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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”

Lea is Interviewed by Maxime Lichtenberg

On August 8, 2021, I was interviewed by writer, historian and hobby scholar. She is also a mediator – Maxime Lichtenberg. We talked about my book, “Divine Union: The Love Story between Jesus and Mary Magdalene”, as well as discussing practical tools that can help people connect to their God-source energy. These are practices you […]
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Lea Chapin channels Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – Madame Pele Ignites Your Divine Spark

Greetings Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, yes it is I Christ. My Mary is here as well. The energy, yes of Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess is present here, not only with her fierceness, but with her love. Today, we speak about opening the heart chakra and opening the High Heart. As you begin […]
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Lea Chapin Channels Yeshua – The Way

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Yeshua. As I come to you on this most auspicious day, I say thank you to each of you for allowing me to come forward to express who I am, what I came to do, and about the practices of the Way. As many of you know, that […]
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Lea Chapin Channels Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on the Frequency of Happiness and Joy

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. My Dear Yeshua is here as well. We say to you Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, that this is of great importance, that you begin to allow your heart to open now to the energy and the essence of happiness. For you see, in […]
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Lea Chapin Channels the Essene Collective, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – Reconnecting to the Essenes

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Christ. I come on this most auspicious day, I say to each of you that I thank you for allowing your heart to open to this remembrance of who you truly are. For today as I begin to speak about the Way and how we lived in our […]
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Yeshua Channeled by Lea Chapin – Reconciliation of the Soul

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Yeshua. As Mary and I come today to speak about reconciliation of the soul, it is of grave importance for each of you to understand that from the beginning of the inception of what you call the separation of your own I AM presence, that there indeed has […]
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Return to Unity Consciousness

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. I come to you on this most auspicious day and I say thank you to each of you for holding as they say the candle of light, for this most powerful return to your I AM presence. Today, as you center into this frequency, please allow […]
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A Channeled Message of Healing, Hope and Restoration

You are receiving the vibration of healing and love for all to receive. You are feeling the vibration of healing for all to receive, letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God. You are receiving the healing vibration of all to receive. And today as you bring forth this energy of hope, renewal and restoration, […]
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Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2024 LeaChapin.com
