Lea Chapin Head shot picture
Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


"The Healing Impact of Lea's Work"
We wanted to thank you so much for the Heart healing that Bart received. During the healing he felt very comfortable and loving energy. He appreciated the insights channeled about his heart and his mother and the cause of his heart issues. He received a call from his mother the next day which was no coincidence. She rarely calls when not on a birthday or holiday so it was clear that she felt the healing as well. We talked to her about it and she was also very appreciative. Bart felt lighter and seemed more joyful in the following days. He actually went to the gym everyday showing that he was loving himself more after the healing. We are grateful for you, Edgar Cayce, the essential oils and the Arcturians.

Juliet & Bart

Purple Flower

Jared Willis

yellow rose
When I was 14 I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, a congenital heart defect that runs in my family. It was considered “benign,” and I was told to have regular echocardiograms to monitor it. At 38, after a very stressful period in my life I began to develop shortness of breath, and some other symptoms that affected my energy levels and well-being. An echocardiogram revealed a leaking valve and enlarged heart. Another doctor told me one day I might need a heart valve replacement. I went three times for Ayurvedic treatment in India, in which above all I learned the need to rest and remove the stress from my life. At the time, Lea told me that heart murmurs are often associated with anxiety, which runs in my family, too.

In 2020 I quit my job and changed my life path. COVID gave me an opportunity to rest and heal. My allopathic doctor told me he no longer can hear the heart murmur, and that I have a regular heartbeat, and my symptoms have mostly disappeared. I only felt some changes when I face stressful situations, in particular feelings of betrayal from people close to me. A healer in Cyprus has monitored my heart and circulatory system and says she has seen nothing pathologically defective, just psychosomatic conditions causing that area of my body to remain weak and unable to heal.

In February 2024 Lea Chapin visited me in Cyprus and performed a healing on me, led by the Arcturians. They explained that my heart chakra has become blocked due to lifetimes of betrayal, causing me to hold on to anger and resentment, rather than releasing and forgiving those who have harmed me. They used their laser light to clear my heart chakra and allow my junk DNA to heal. Following the sessions I felt incredibly tired and that I needed to immediately go to sleep.

I subsequently have no symptoms even when experiencing situations of perceived betrayal, and I don’t hold on to anger and resentment. My energy levels are higher than in years, and according to my latest diagnostic scan, I have no sign of ever having anything weak about my heart or circulatory system. Thank you, Lea, and the Arcturians!
Co-Host Cece Shatz and I appreciate Lea sharing her tremendous insights regarding peace that passes understanding and shifting our frequencies to higher levels on our LinktoEXPERT Good Reads, Author’s Corner TV/Radio/Podcast Show on December 13, 2023. Lea shares Christ’s teachings with us in her Masters Teachings, as well as her six monthly teachings and classes, her readings, all her books, and everyday life. She is truly a living example to be the change you wish to see. Each one teach one, each one lead one she consistently reminds us. Lea definitely is making a difference in this world.

Joanne Weiland

Orange Rose

Linda Mayer

White Flowers
A Divine Gift from Ascended Master Sarah – Through Lea’s book the reader receives powerful divine energy attunements through reading Sarah’s words and also visually through the photos throughout the book. Sarah’s words of wisdom are timeless and in Perfect Divine Timing. A gift for all humanity to assist them in remembering who they truly are and why they are truly here on Mother Earth right now. If you are seeking balance, peace, divine union, healing, wisdom beyond what you think you know, and true Spiritual awakening, then this book is for you. I encourage all who read this to share this book with others. Each one Teach one! Blessings and Gratitude Lea for all the hours of love, and persistence it took to birth this book for all. I Love all your books Lea, like this one, they too are all “the gift that keeps on giving.” Each time one reads this book the energy of the activations is received on a deeper more profound level for the reader. ***** 5 stars for this book
I met Lea during a spiritual gathering over the weekend and Lea introduced and enlightened me about Grandma Anna, Mother Mary, Crystalline light beings, Mother Gaia, and new ways to connect to our true Divine Feminine energy by the help of these amazing spiritual teachers/figures. Lea makes her teaching environment very comfortable and enjoyable by the way she speaks in a clear and understanding manner. I was able to understand and become receptive to Lea’s teaching because she made the environment very relaxing before she began teaching and then gave space for open discussion with understanding and compassion afterwards. Lea’s connection with Grandma Anna, Jesus, and her spiritual team overall is very impactful because she blesses people with their messages and guidance with gentleness. I’m very appreciative of having the chance to meet her and to learn so many new perspectives from her.

Iyana Rose

Orange Rose

Maurice Ramsey

pink flower
On 12-20-2021 during a class I am taking on Increasing Clairvoyance-Intuition, I was told by Archangel Michael that Archangel Uriel was my primary angel for 2022. Uriel was not known to me but I have since learned much about Archangel Uriel. My husband of 50 + years, my Twin Flame, had passed away in 2016 and I have moved on as well as I can but it was very difficult for me to physically be without him. Lea channeled Archangel Uriel and through her he healed my broken heart. I could hear Uriel’s sweetness and tenderness in Lea’s voice as she channeled his message to me. It felt like a healing balm mending my heart and the sensation was physical as well as emotional.

I am so grateful for this amazing gift.
I wanted to thank you so much for the opportunity to follow along, via your videos, on your journey to the sacred sites in the Middle East, including the Pyramid of Giza. Watching your videos as you visited the sacred sites and channeled the activation's allowed me to receive the activation's and energy as if I were right there with you! I could feel shifts happening through each sacred site channeling and activation. I even had moments in which I began to remember aspects of lifetimes that I had experienced in those countries. During the final activation at the Pyramid of Giza, I felt deeply that I was able to anchor in the activation given by Isis of Divine Sacred Balance and have felt a sense of deep peace and balance ever since. Thank you so much for taking me on this powerful journey with you through your videos and channeled messages! I can’t wait to see where we’ll go next!

Rosanne Heaton

Purple Flower

Joanne Weiland

yellow rose
Lea Chapin is like a breath of fresh, clean, crisp air! Her authenticity is pure and refreshing. She is such a delight to work with. She allows your interview to flow vs. controlling it. Lea Chapin cares about her listeners and wants to bring them current happenings to encourage them to follow their guides and be all they are designed to be. Twice, I have been interviewed on Inspiration from Spirit Radio Show, and Lea has also interviewed one of our Experts. Every interview Lea does is engaging while educating us on how easy the flow of Spirit really is. It is such a delight working with Lea Chapin. I appreciate her open loving heart.
Lea has been a valuable conduit for the flow of love, clarity, insight, and inspirational words. I believe that working with Spirit through Lea has dramatically accelerated my spiritual development and helped me understand my circumstances in a broader spiritual and more benevolent context. Because of her dedication, my awareness and connection with Spirit are stronger. I am learning to more clearly see the miracles of everyday life, and understand the responsibility of a second chance at achieving my life purpose. I extend great appreciation to her and to Spirit.

Dr. Nancy O.

pink flower

Bonnie Hebenstreit

Purple Flower
I have been working with Lea Chapin for several years now. But I want to share my most recent experience of a spiritual healing with Lea. I had been struggling with intense joint and body pain for several months, and not knowing the root cause, I scheduled a session with Lea. I experienced a most beautiful healing as she channeled Christ to assist me. As I laid there and listened to Lea, I actually felt the energy moving intensely in both my legs. It was shifting and melding the right masculine side with the left feminine side. I knew that was what was needed and felt immediate relief. I am actually able to stand up straight and walk without limping! Thank you Lea for a wonderful transformation! You truly are a beautiful spiritual healer of such love and light! Much gratitude from my heart to yours!
Reverend Lea Chapin is an authentic channel for spiritual clarity and validation of one’s connection to the Source or that which we call God. She has such a beautiful way of translating the words of Christ, Saint Michael, and other Ascended Masters and beings that have transitioned back to pure positive energy. Not only is she able to articulate her impressions that she intuits and hears, she confidently records these ‘outpourings of spirit’ for seekers so that they can listen to their sessions whenever a reminder is needed of what spirit offered. Reverend Lea’s sacred gift of soulful-sightedness belongs in the same caliber as Edgar Cayce, Dr. Carolyn Myss and other modern day clairvoyants. I highly recommend her!

Amelia Kemp, Ph.D., LMHC

yellow rose

Shanda Trofe

pink flower
I found Lea online while searching for someone who offers channeled readings. To my delight, her website popped right up after I asked my angels to help me find the right person. As I researched her site, I could feel her loving energy, and I knew right away it was meant to be. My goal was to connect with my spirit guide, but what happened next was even greater than I could have anticipated. I’ve always worked closely with Archangel Michael, which Lea could not possibly have known. Imagine my surprise when at the start of our session, she told me Archangel Michael was present, and he had a message for me. For the next half an hour, it felt like I finally got to speak with an old friend. Michael, whom I’ve been talking to for years, finally had a voice and could communicate with words, which was the validation I was seeking. He gave me clear and loving guidance about my life’s purpose and my future. The peace and joy I felt in my heart during that session is something I’ll never forget.
In July, 2017, I met Lea Chapin for the first time. I was meeting with her to get help with metaphysical issues that I was experiencing. Lea’s compassion and empathy have been very comforting and helpful.

After going through several changelings and healing sessions with Lea, I have lost weight, my confidence has returned, and I have a newfound sense of peace and calm about me. I have been able to return to doing a different form of lightworking, thanks to Lea! I highly recommend a session with Lea, it will be life changing.

W. C.

Purple Flower


Purple Flower
I recently broke my right wrist in two places and dislocated my left thumb. I had to get an MRI on my left hand. Surgery was recommended, but I declined it. Then I saw Lea Chapin for a healing session, and during the session, healing energy was sent to my hands and wrist. Later, my hand surgeon recommended an ultrasound. After the surgeon received the results, he was shocked. The fraying of the ligaments was healed, the pain that I was experiencing was to be expected due to the changing weather. The surgeon was puzzled by the ultrasound, because the MRI showed a lot of damage to my left hand, and now, the torn ligaments had healed. Thank you, Lea for saving my left hand!

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2024 LeaChapin.com