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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

Return to Unity Consciousness

January 31, 2021

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. I come to you on this most auspicious day and I say thank you to each of you for holding as they say the candle of light, for this most powerful return to your I AM presence. Today, as you center into this frequency, please allow yourself to once again connect to the energy of All That Is. For as you may understand, the separation and the disconnection from your I AM presence that occurred eons and eons ago, is now being healed and restored. It is of grave importance that each of you understand that the energy of unity consciousness and the energy of what we call the awareness to all that is, now be filtered and be brought into your oversoul, into your Higher Self, into your consciousness, and into the awareness of who you truly are. So I ask each of you to take a deep, inhaling breath, and breathe into this energy of love, peace, unity and joy. Please take a deep breath and breathe in the energy of love, peace, unity and joy. Calling in this energy and this frequency within the essence of your being, and breathe it into your heart, breathe it into your heart, breathe it into your heart. Truly beginning to feel this energy connecting again, as if you are recharging yourself, just as if you are recharging your cell phone, you are recharging your own battery, you are recharging your own life essence, you are recharging the energy of your own life force energy, your own prana, to the energy of all that is. So take a deep, inhaling breath and simply begin to breathe in this frequency, breathe in this frequency, breathe in this frequency. And truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well.

Breathe in this energy, breathe in this energy. Feel the power, feel the joy, feel the peace, feel the tranquility, letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God. Breathing in this frequency, breathing in this light, breathing in this love, breathing in this unity consciousness. So allow your heart to open and your mind to be healed, and today as you allow yourself to once again return to the remembrance of who you truly are, your physical body, your mental body and all aspects of your being will begin to be rebooted as they say. With the awareness of your multi-dimensional self. Many of you will begin to, as they say, have out of body experiences, where you will begin to have sensations or feelings or awarenesses that are not of your normal consciousness in your human experience. Do not allow this to frighten you, it is simply that you are expanding and allowing yourself to receive the greater access to your own innate abilities, and to your spirit essence. For you see, your beautiful spirit, your beautiful oversoul is truly being reactivated and reawakened again. Because the energy of unity and love that has not been fragmented by the separation that had occurred at what we call the time of the Great Fall. This is what Yeshua and I have brought forward in this energy of Divine Union, returning to Sacred Balance, allowing your heart to open, your mind to be healed. Allowing yourself to return to this sacred balance in which you were created. Allowing your body to return to wholeness, so that you are healthy and strong, and that you are free to simply be. Free to simply be. We know these times are difficult, but it is not for you to engage in this lower frequency, as we have said so many times before. It is for you to take the high road, it is for you to realize and to understand that there is a higher purpose, a higher plan for all things. And today, as we bring this beautiful message forward, that unity consciousness has now been restored back into the collective consciousness of all of humanity, and that the energy of love and unity has now been restored in the heavenly realms. For you see, planet earth can return to be the planet of peace and love in which she was created. As we have said many times before, the energy of this planet will not be tainted and destroyed by lower frequencies, it will not be allowed. So there is no need to be afraid, simply hold your light, hold the candle of that which you bring to the world and be proud, be proud of all that you are. Be proud of all that you have ever been, be proud that you are holding this candle of light for all the world to see, all the world to feel. Because you are making a difference, each and every one of you are making a difference.

By holding your light so brightly, so effervescently, so purely, so beautifully. And truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Breathe in the peace, breathe in the love, breathe in the unity, you simply have come home to yourself. You have come home to your I AM presence, you are no longer separate by your own fear, you are no longer separate from the fear of the collective, of human consciousness. For those who are still struggling with understanding this or receiving this, they are and will receive it, depending on the level of consciousness that they are willing to receive in their conscious state of being. Will they be able to feel this. But for those who are awakened, those who believe, those who understand the frequency of reunification and unity, will immediately be felt. You will begin to feel as if you are connected to everything, as if you are connected to the plant life, the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, to the earth, as if everything will become alive to you, do not be frightened of this Dear Ones, it will simply be like a multi-sensory experience where you are feeling this connection, that you are one with everything. It is a blissful experience, it is a blissful feeling, just as Lea is able to tap into my energy and we are one, she is able to now tap into the energy of Yeshua, to Mother Mary, and to many beings of light, you see we are all connected, we are all one, there is no separation, it is an instantaneous connection that she is able to receive, how does that happen? Perhaps it is puzzling, but it is of truth. It is because she is devoted, it is because she has, as they say, earned the right, it is because she has done this in many other lifetimes and yes all of you are able to do this as well.

Today this gives you the opportunity to reboot yourself to the energy of all that is, and you are able to the same. You are able to receive the multi-dimensional experiences, information and connection just as Lea is able to do with us. And so this is for all people. This is the glory, this is the gift of reconnecting again in unity consciousness, into the heavenly realms, to all that is. That you are plugged in again, you are reconnected again, you are not lost, you are not lonely, you are not separate, you are not fearful. You see, at the time of the Fall, as they say, you lost your connection to the God essence, and then fear set in, a feeling of loneliness and separation, and isolation. And then, the human free will energy became rampant, simply trying to control your life, instead of allowing yourself to be connected, trusting, surrendering, allowing and receiving. Or as they say, be the start that you are, surrender, trust, allow and receive. And so this, again, Dearest Ones, is what has occurred. This is the unity consciousness that has occurred, this is the practical way of being. This is the original way of being. And you had lost your connection and have struggled, and so we are here to help each of you no longer struggle. We are here to help each of you understand that you have earned this right, that the energy is present for all of you to be, as they say, rebooted again, connected again. To all that is. What a glorious day. Here on January 18, 2021, the year of unity, each of you, as you understand, as we have said before, have gone through the year of 2020, which was a year of purification. Purifying on many levels. And for those who have cleared their path, have cleared their consciousness, have cleared their energy frequencies of that which no longer serves them, are now able to be rebooted, reconnected to the energy of all that is. You see, Dearest Ones, it is as if you needed to clean house, to clean out the cobwebs so that you can see fresh again, see anew again. To be able to see clearly, to feel clearly. And for those who have made their physical transition, they have made that choice on a soul level to ascend and transition in another level.

Again for those who have stayed, this is the year for each of you to begin to sense and to feel your multi-sensory dimensional self. To expand your abilities, your consciousness, your connection. This is why you are here, this is why you’ve chosen to come to this planet, this is why you’ve chosen to go through the cycles of incarnation, over and over again. This is part of your ascension process, congratulations to each and every one of you. As I say, congratulations to each and every one of you. What a glorious day. What a powerful day. For truly, may the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. What a beautiful celebration. Do not allow yourself to be tainted, as they say, with negativity, or fear, or separation. All is in divine order, all is divinely graced, Yeshua and I have been holding the space of love for each of you, so that you may return to sacred balance. We have said this many times before, but this is our purpose, and it continues to be until all sentient beings can return to love, can return to peace, can return to unity. And so take another deep breath, place your hand over your heart and say thank you. You’ve done the work, you’ve reconnected again, you are never alone. You are not separate, only by your choice. And so breathe this in as if you are now connected like a charging station to the energy of the God essence, you are each like a satellite as they say. You are the powerful lighthouses, you are satellites, radiating your light and your life for others to see. There will be many changes within each of your individual lives, for the better. Opportunities, places, people and things that will come to you out of the blue, out of the ordinary, as if you are able to manifest instantaneously, without worry, without struggle, without strife.

And so truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. You are well. You have returned home to yourself. I will step back and allow Yeshua to speak, but I am so pleased and so honored because this is what Yeshua and I, as we have said, dreamed and hoped for, and have worked for, what we sacrificed for. This was the sacrifice that was made, for each of your return to oneness. It has been a struggle, this is the sacrifice, and yet Dearest Ones, you have come home again, it is a time of celebration, be at peace.

Greetings Dear Ones, yes it is I, Yeshua. As I step into your energy field I feel this sense of excitement, as if we are now setting off fireworks. We are celebrating as Mary has said, the return of this sacred planet to its original state of being, and all sentient beings can return to its original state, just as each of you have once lived during the high civilization of Atlantis and Lemuria, for you are deeply connected to this energy. You are at home within yourself, you are at home, you are at home. Longing for home. Where is home, home is where the heart is, but home now is returning back to center and balance. Feeling this connection to your I AM presence. And so today if you allow me I will seal each of you with a golden light, and seal each of you with this energy of peace, as if I am wrapping you into this golden light of peace. And of tranquility. The golden light of God surrounds you and peace is your birthright, the golden light of God and peace is your birthright, be at peace, be at peace, be at peace. Be still and know that you are God. So today if you so allow, I bring to you this beautiful golden light, and I seal you in this energy, that you begin to feel the sense of your purity, your innocence, your loyalty, your love, your grace. Your hope, your renewal. Today as you allow your heart to feel this energy and this essence of all that is, once again feel the presence of love. As love and light and healing are showering upon your soul, love light and healing are showering upon your soul. You are glimmering, you are shining, you are effervescent, every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being is glistening with this golden light, it is a seal of protection that will keep you safe from harm. It will strengthen your aura, it will strengthen your energetic frequency so that you are not affected by energies that are not of this frequency, that are of the purest light. Any and all energies will be repelled, as they say, and will not be drawn to you. Any and all frequencies will fall away, as your energy frequency, this golden light, is a seal of protection, like an armor around you, that will keep you safe from harm, from physical harm, mental harm, emotional harm, energetic harm, so that you may go about your business being plugged in to the I AM presence, and continuing your mission with ease and grace, this will allow your body to be restored, and you will be physically healthy, strong, vibrant, and you will begin to feel more youthful, more agile, and again, you will begin to see a reverse of what you call your aging process, slowly, but you will see it, as if the hands of the clock will return back and you will begin to feel youthful, energetic, vibrant, and restored.

This is the energy of connecting to the I AM presence, eternal life, the resurrection flame and the violet flame hold this frequency that we are bringing to you, of this golden light, that is now surrounding you, it you receive it with grace it is permanent, you do not necessarily have to reinforce it, only if you choose, it is a gift to you upon this day for your dedication and your willingness to serve and to be served, and to trust in eternal life, in the eternal energy of the God essence, resurrecting yourself once again, and being at peace. What a powerful day, as you have received this gift upon this day, as you have received this gift upon this day, as you have received this gift upon this day. And so Dearest Children of the Light, once again breathe in this frequency as we gift you this beautiful golden frequency of light, you are the gift, you are the gift to the world, you are the gift to yourself, truly feel the presence of all that is. Truly feel the presence of all that is. This is a day that God has made, it is good and it is rich, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. And so as I come and my Mary comes, and we place our hands over your high heart, and your physical heart, we ask you to breathe in this energy of connection to all that is, and begin to feel it, begin to feel the power of your multi-dimensional self, begin to feel the frequency of all that is, and truly begin to feel the love, truly begin to feel the love. Allowing yourself to be calm and at peace, and centered and restored.

So breathe in this frequency, breathe in this light, breathe in this peace, breathe in this divine holy grace, it is time, it is time, it is time that you begin to feel the essence and presence of your love. It is time, it is time for you to feel the energy and the essence of your love, feeling the power, feeling the grace, feeling the love, feeling the joy. So once again my Dearest Children, Mary and I stand with you, and we stand beside you, and my mother stands before you, sending you love, precious love, so that you may begin to feel this energy of the love in which you were created from the Great I AM, go now my children, be at peace, be at peace, be at peace, as you are restored to your original energy and to your original creation, your original blueprint, your original energetic frequency is now being restored. This affects everything from this point forward, this affects your soul, your oversoul, this affects the multi-dimensional energy of all that you are. You are being affected and changed and shifted into the state of purity, of your original state of being. What a powerful, powerful and glorious day. Go now my children, be at peace, be at peace, be at peace, my Mary, my mother and myself stand with you and we stand beside you, and so we want you to know Dearest Ones, we are so proud of you, we are so pleased we are so honored, that you have now accepted this beautiful gift. Go now my children, be at peace.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2024 LeaChapin.com