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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

Time of Healing

December 21, 2020

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Christ. Mary Magdalene is here as well. We say to you, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, that this is indeed a very auspicious time, and how important it is to begin the healing process. Each of you have gone through, as we have spoken before, of the his major transformation that is happening within each of you. Regardless of what you understand, each of you are going through a powerful healing. A powerful clearing that is helping to clear your light bodies, helping to clear your physical bodies, helping to clear all subtle energies fields of your mental, emotional and energetic frequencies. For you see, Dearest Ones, this powerful time of healing is indeed affecting the collective consciousness of humanity. For each of you have come forth to heal that which no longer serves you, and it is healing the collective consciousness of humanity. And so, Sons and Daughters of the Light, the collective consciousness of humanity is affected by the trauma that has been held within the Akashic Records of each individual soul. Today as we call in this frequency of healing, of soul reunification, we ask each of you to begin to receive your own individual healing, for your own soul trauma. As you begin to unify, as you begin to integrate, as you begin to allow the healing for your own personal self, to begin to heal within your own essence, then this will help the collective to heal. For, you see, we are all connected and we are all one. What you have faced within your own trauma in this lifetime and others lifetimes is held within the collective consciousness of humanity, and what is happening now with all the discordant energies and fear running rampant is now being affected you’re your individual selves as you now are healing and purifying, you are helping the discordant energies and the fear that is affecting so many people and is rampant at this time.

And so Dearest Ones, we ask that you begin to take a deep breath and to begin to breathe in the energy of the white light of God, breathing in the energy of the white light of God, as my Mary stands with me, and we begin to hold this space of sacred balance and divine union for your individual selves and for the planet, to return back to sacred union, both collectively and individually, all in the planet will move forward in the ascension process with grace and ease. All will move forward into the ascension process with grace and ease. And so, Dearest Children, we ask you to begin to receive this healing, and to open your hearts to love. Truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you, wherever you are God is and all is well. And so Dearest Children, as you begin to open your hearts, begin to open your hearts, begin to allow the energy now to come filter in through your crown chakra, beginning to open your third eye, beginning to open your throat chakra, beginning to open your heart, so that you may begin to heal, feeling the essence and the presence of love within your heart chakra. So I ask you Dearest Ones to take a deep breath, and my beautiful Mary stands with you, and she places her hand over your heart so that you may begin to heal from the wounds of the past, and begin to be free. For you see, Dearest Ones, as we move into this energy of 2021, again, it is about unity consciousness. It is about freedom. You see, Dearest Ones, this has been a year that is most difficult for so many, we ask you to understand that it is necessary, this is a purification, and each of you are going through this cleansing and purifying. Mary, my mother, my father Joseph, we all stand with you, we stand beside you. We ask you to allow the healing to occur at the very nuclei, at the very level of your own core essence, to begin to heal. Simply letting go, letting God, and allowing your beautiful light to shine, and letting the beautiful essence and presence of peace upon your soul, feeling the essence and the presence of peace upon your soul, letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God.

So Dearest Children, as you begin to open your heart, allow your mind to be healed, and any energy that is not of pure love, simply begin to call in the energy of the violet flame of transmutation to purify, to heal it, to transmute it. You see, Dearest Ones, the energy of the collective is needed to be released, the fear, the anxiety, the anger, the angst, the worry. It is all needed to be cleared. You see, Dearest Ones, this is a time that each of you are ascending. You see, 2020 was a year of purification but it is about ascension. And so perhaps you all are feeling a bit weary, once again you are feeling weary, but we ask you to hold the energy of the purest light, and begin to feel your peace. As you feel this energy of ascension moving through you. Just at the time of my own resurrection, the time of my own crucifixion, where I, too, was releasing and merging from my lower self into my higher Christ Consciousness, this is what is happening with each of you. You may begin to feel different, you may begin to feel a sense of empowerment, you may begin to feel your spirit now, the strength of your spirit. Perhaps for the first time ever you may begin to feel this sense of your spirit essence, even stronger within your physical mind. And this is the healing that is needed, that each of you live from the power of who you are, from the strength of your spirit. It is not just words, it is not just rhetoric, it is truly living from the heart. Living from the beautiful spirit essence that you are, the power that you are, this is the healing that has been taking place throughout this who year of 2020.

And so as you allow yourself to now receive and believe that as you are merging through this transitional state of being, that your heart shall remain open, and you will begin to feel the anticipation and the excitement of your spirit, as you begin to feel the love that you are, the light that you are, the power that you are, the powerful vessel that you are. And so, you see, this is the gift, allow yourself to no longer be angry, no longer to continue to affect the collective consciousness by feeling this sense of victimization, but feeling the energy of purity. That as you rise above that which no longer serves you, you are free. Free to serve, free to love and free to be. Letting go and letting God. Allowing your beautiful light to shine. This is a powerful time Dearest Ones, as we begin to release and to merge into our oneness. It is important, Dearest Ones, that you understand, because this is why I came, this is why I came to show the way, to rise from the mundane as you lift into this higher frequency, as you now prepare for what you call your 12-12, know that this period of transition, of moving into Divine Grace, and merging into a place of peace, love, joy and harmony, is held within that frequency, not only of the energy of your own embodiment, but you will begin to feel this energy throughout the world, for you see, Dearest Ones, this is a time for great transmission of joy, this is a time of great transmission of joy, joy to the world. This is the vibration that is being brought to the world. You see, there are many beings of light that are stepping forward, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Pleiadians, they are bringing this healing vibration of joy to your planet, and as you begin to transcend from your lower consciousness, from the lower mind, to your higher mind, may you begin to live in the joy of all that you are.

And so Dearest Ones, I will step back now and allow my Mary to speak. For today, as you begin to feel the energy and the essence of joy, for joy is the totality of all that is. Indeed it is the last chapter of my book, the 12 Mastery Teachings of Christ, for it is the totality of the God essence. It is that which is the last lesson for a reason, for as you embody this frequency, you are living in this state of grace. It is why, Dear Grace Elohim is here, she is here to help you, call upon her, as you call upon my Mary and myself and we will help you to heal, and to move forward through this transitional time with ease and grace, as you shift and allow yourself to receive this transformational time of healing, love, peace and joy. Joy to the world. As you begin to celebrate the time of my birth, and you begin to celebrate the winter solstice, and the shifting of the energies from one dimension of light to another, the purity within all of your hearts is seen and felt, and so Dearest Children, we thank you for your willingness to continue to serve and to be at peace.

Greetings my beloveds, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come to you again on this powerful day, it is of great importance that you understand that this is a day of great significance. It is indeed a day of transformation and as you now begin to prepare from one level of consciousness, as you allow yourself to continue to clear and to heal the soul traumas of all that you’ve ever experienced, and begin to move into this vibration, there is a gaiety, there is laughter, there is joy, there is peace. And so today as you move into this celebration, Yeshua and I stand with you, and we are so honored to be here at this most auspicious time, for you see, although these times may be difficult, they are purposeful, and again, with any change, there are growing pains. With any shift of moving from one era of time into another, as you fully begin to embark on this Age of Aquarius at a deeper and more profound level, you will see and feel this sense of liberation. And so Dearest Ones, know that the changing and the shifting of the guard of the energies of your planet is being felt. Yes, there is a heaviness, there is a density, and yet, Dearest Ones, this oppression will soon be over. This sense of liberation, we promise, is here. Do not become discouraged, you see, it is always dark before the light.

And so Dearest Ones, the power that you hold, by holding yourself in this energy with Grace Elohim, and feeling this sense of renewal, the excitement and the anticipation that you are transmuting and transcending and bringing your light so others, too, may heal. That others may ascend, others may move forward into this new Age of Aquarius, into this new dawning of the Age of Enlightenment, all is not forsaken Dearest Ones, it is just misunderstood. And so yes, live in the world but not of it, be the change you wish to see, open your heart and say yes, I choose to be at peace, regardless of what is happening around me. So open your heart now, Dearest Ones, and Yeshua and stand with you holding the sacred balance and the sacred union for you to return to your true divinity, just as you are now truly beginning to feel your spirit, as Yeshua said. Feeling your spirit, feeling the power of your spirit, feeling the power and the joy, even if it is only transitory, even if it is only momentary, you are feeling this sense of I AM that I AM. And feeling the joy and holding the light so others may see. You are the lighthouses, you are all the lighthouses, and do not allow your light to be dim, do not allow yourself to fall away in the storm, for you see the lighthouse stands tall despite all that comes. And you see, Dearest Ones, you have gone through many soul incarnations, you have weathered many storms, you’ve gone through so much and now the gift is transcending and living from your higher state of consciousness, no longer being affected again, as has been said, by the lower frequencies.

So we ask you to take a deep inhaling breath, and begin to breathe in the frequency of the white light of God. And allow yourself to be aligned to your eighth chakra, breathing in this frequency of divine, holy sacred union, and aligning it to your physicality. May you call in all energies, all fragments, all fractals of energy that have been traumatized throughout time immortal. And if you are ready, please call back these soul fragments and allow them to be reunified and your oversoul, breathing into your eighth chakra, breathing it all the way into your root chakra, reintegrating your soul into your physicality, anchoring your energy into your root chakra, and imagine the energy going down to the soles of your feet, into the crystalline core of Mother Earth. And you are at peace. You are safe, you are centered, you are protected, letting go and letting God. And so Dearest Ones as you ground yourself into the energy of Mother Earth, you are able now to clear the discordant energy from you. To begin to clear all suffering, and so take a deep, inhaling breath and simply begin to reintegrate and reunify your oversoul, with your physicality, aligning yourself and feeling the strength within your heart, and once again breathing in the energy of love, breathing in the energy of peace, breathing in the energy of tranquility. And perhaps you may feel ungrounded, or disconnected, or not like yourself, so we ask that you once again breathe, to become centered, peaceful and calm, calling in the true essence of your spirit, and the true essence of your oversoul, and the beauty of your I AM presence can now merge with your consciousness, into your personality, into your physicality, breathing in your I AM presence, I AM that I AM. Again you feel this within your heart, can you feel the vibration of the God essence within your heart as you repeat to yourself, I AM that I AM. Can you feel the calmness, can you feel the peace, can you feel the tranquility as you allow this energy to move through your essence and through your divine presence. And so Dearest Ones, as you now prepare to move into the 12/12 frequency, moving forward into this new frequency, and the vibration that the time of the 12/12 now holds for you, feel this essence, feel this energy, feel this peace, feel this love. Truly may the love of God surround, you the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Once again, breathe in, I AM that I AM.

Can you feel this energy now begin to resonate, and begin to, as they say, purify any energy that is not of truth. That you believe yourself to be less than worthy, that you are not a powerful essence of the Great I AM. And so simply breathe in this frequency of love. And feel the power, feel the purity, feel the hope, feel the renewal. And so Dearest Ones, as you begin to now feel and imagine that your eighth chakra is truly connected to your oversoul, and your oversoul is connected to the collective consciousness, that you are a powerful conduit of change. And so Dearest Ones, feel the energy and the power of you. No longer allowing any of your earthly traumas to affect you. No longer allowing any discordant energy that is held within your own soul or within the collective to affect you. You are receiving this gift today, as you are receiving this healing and this reunification, for this is the time, and the energy of the 12/12 gateway, this is the gift of your individual and collective soul essence to merge into the energy and the essence of peace. And so Dearest Children, as you hold this vibration within you, you are emitting it for all the world to see and to know, joy to the world, joy to the world, your energy with affect another and another, as if this energy and this frequency is being emitted through the ethers, it will begin to heal the land, the people, and yes you will begin to heal the virus that is affecting this civilization at this time. You will begin to heal and clear the frequencies of the earth of all discordant energies that have been out of balance, of the Male/Female essence, of the energy of Divine Mother/Divine Father. So today, the Sacred Mother can return, and the energy of Divine Masculine can be in balance with Sacred Mother. This is, again, why Yeshua and I have come, to help restore the sacred balance of Sacred Mother and the Sacred Father energy, the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine energies have been out of balance for too long, and so we stand with you at this time, of the gateway of 12/12, calling forth this reunification, this healing, this power, this joy, that you bring it to yourself first, that you begin to feel the sacred union of the divine balance of Father/Mother God within you. Again, breathe it in, breathe in the essence of Divine Holy Sacred Union. I AM that I AM. Breathe in the energy of this essence and be at peace.

See yourself free, see the earth free, see all sentient beings free, see and feel that there is only peace and love, and that the energy of sacred balance, of divine, holy sacred union, is now being brought forth onto this planet at even a more powerful rate. Yes, Dearest Ones, this is the gift that is being brought now, this was the reason for purification, and all of the discordant energies, the imbalance of Divine Mother/ Divine Father, as they say, playing out once again. You do not have to be affected by it, you can rise above it and live in Divine, Holy Sacred Union. With yourself, and all of life.

Go forward my children, be at peace, and truly know that you are loved, as Yeshua and I stand with you, as Mother Mary and Joseph stand beside you, we come together to hold this frequency of Divine Love for each of you, so that you may return back to the sacred light, and the balance of all that is. As you once again merge with your oversoul and begin to feel the essence of your spirit, as the powerful lighthouse that you are, emitting light so others may see, each one teach one, each one lead one, let this day be a gift to receive, as you now merge into the 12/12 gateway, with peace within your heart, go now my children, we send you blessings of love, peace and joy. Joy to the world, joy to all. Joy, joy, joy is your birthright. Go in peace. And so it is.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com