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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

Lea Chapin Channels Christ and Mary Magdalene on the Vibration of Love

October 23, 2020

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Christ. I come to each of you on this most auspicious day, I say to you Dearest Ones that this is a powerful vibration of peace, as it is the 11th lesson of my Christ Mastery Teachings. Today as you enter into this state of grace please remember that each of you have once existed in the totality of peace. And today as you call forth this remembrance, as you begin to call in this frequency, as you begin to call in this love, please allow your heart to open, your mind to be healed, simply allowing yourself to transmute those frequencies of peace, joy, love and tranquility into the very essence of your being, and so I ask you at this time to hold the place and the space of love for yourself as you begin to open your heart to peace, as you begin to open your heart to grace, as you begin to open your heart to tender mercy. Simply know at this time, Dearest Ones, that each of you have lived through many experiences that have created a burden upon your heart, sometimes these experiences have caused us to close our hearts, we have become guarded because we have been hurt and we don’t want to be hurt again. Sometimes our heart is burdened because we’ve been selfish or angry or hard-hearted, and so today as we call in this vibration of peace, may it begin to meld the heart, as we begin to open up our heart chakra in powerful ways. When we use the energy of the heart in unloving ways, that energy remains with us as a part of our consciousness, until we transmute it to love. And so today as you begin to open your compassionate and merciful heart to the vibration of peace in which you are and were created, I ask you to feel the essence and energy of love, at a very powerful rate. And begin to allow your heart to be opened, your mind to be healed, and truly begin to feel the love. So take a deep, deep inhaling breath, and simply begin to breathe, breathe in the love, breathe in the love, breathe in the love. The more we focus on our heart, and the qualities of our heart in our life and in our spiritual practices, the more sensitive our heart becomes, and we begin to open to the vibration of peace. And so Dearest Ones, know as you begin to feel this essence, may you feel to yourself, I am the light of the heart, I am the light of the heart, shining in the darkness of my being, and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of God, as I project my love and my peace out into the world, to erase all errors and to break down all barriers, for I know I am the power of infinite love and infinite peace, amplifying the energy within me, until it is victorious, until the world now centers and returns to peace. So now as you begin to visualize the I AM light of the heart coming into your heart chakra, begin to focus your attention on opening up your heart, and imagine the brilliance of the beautiful sun, coming into your heart chakra, as if you are seeing thousands of sun beams coming forth from your heart to penetrate and dissolve any darkness, depression, despair within yourself and within the world at large. Simply begin to open your heart chakra and project the love and the peace onto the world.


Feel the powerful force of love and peace, as the fiery pink light enters into your heart chakra, see that love coming forth as the intense, fiery pink laser beam that breaks down all barriers that are not of love. For as you recite, I am the light of the heart, continue to focus now on projecting love, first for yourself, and then onto the world. So Dearest Ones, know that as you call this energy in, that you are the light of the world, that you are the love, you are the peace, you are the fullest expression of Divine Love, as you radiate this frequency of peace and love into your energy field, may you radiate the love and bring the healing to the earth and to all sentient beings who are in need of your love. In the name of the beloved I AM presence, we call forth the power of Divine Love to be magnified, within our hearts and world daily, bringing love, joyous love, radiating love, unconditional love, consuming all darkness, transmuting it all to peace and love, today as we focus on Divine love flowing through every cell, every atom, every pore of our being, we become the pure radiant white light of God as we begin to feel the love now dissolving any fear, anger, hatred, greed, negativity, any disharmonic frequency that is not of love is now consumed and dissolved in the power of Divine Love, I AM, I AM, I AM Love, I live in the consciousness of love, I live in the consciousness of peace, I am the love and the peace in its fullest expression, blessing all mankind with Divine Love, as we radiate this love and peace onto the world, we first begin to feel the energy and the essence of this powerful frequency within your being. Now as we call forth the transmuting violet flame invocation.


And now Dearest Ones, as I step back and allow my Mary to speak, I ask that you open your heart chakra to receive and again to allow the violet flame to continue to invoke within you and to clear any disharmonic frequencies that are not of love. As the violet flame saturates your heart chakra, feeling it transform any anger into compassion, bitterness into sweetness, anxiety into peace. See the 12 pedals of your heart center unfold as your heart radiates in its native energy of Divine Love. Yes, today is a day that God has made, it is good and it is rich, today as you enter into this state of grace, with the presence of God’s living light upon your soul, go now my children, be at peace, and be still, and know that you are loved.


Greetings Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come to each of you I bow to each of you, today, Yeshua and I stand with you, Mother Mary and Joseph stand beside you as well, beautiful Quan Yin comes forward and she touches your heart, with compassion and mercy, so that you may begin to feel the energy of love, first for yourself, then for another. Compassion, beautiful compassion, opening up your tender heart so that you can remember peace, to remember to live in the joy and the peace of who you truly are, as a beloved child of God. Entering into the state of grace, entering into the state of peace, entering into this state of tranquility, opening your heart to love. So I ask each of you to take a deep, inhaling breath and breathe in this vibration of peace, as Dear Quan Yin, blessed Holy Mother, St. Joseph, Yeshua and myself stand with you as we surround you with love, peace, joy and tranquility, allowing yourself to begin to build this force field around you of peace, that it is palpable, that you begin to feel this peace within you, moments of peace begin to build within you, as if it now comes forth into your energy field, there it is palpable, there it is permanent, there the vibration of peace is held within your etheric body, your mind, your consciousness and into all aspects of your being. So take a deep, deep inhaling breath and breathe in this frequency, breathe in this vibration, breathe in this joy. Truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Feel the presence, feel the power, feel the joy.


So take another deep breath my children and breathe in peace. Filling every crevice within your being with peace, allowing your physical body to be at peace, allow your conscious mind to be at peace, allow your subconscious mind to be at peace. Where there has been fear, it shall now be replaced with peace. Where there is anger, it shall now be infused with peace. Where there is anxiety, let it now be infused with peace. So Dearest Ones, you are the way showers, you are the messengers, you are the children of light that are stepping forward at this time, for you see, there is so much that is to be brought forth onto this planet, the first 1,000 years of peace has now begun, and even though it may not seem so, it is indeed truth. The first 1,000 years of peace has now begun, even though it may not seem so, it has. It is truth. For you and so many have chosen peace, you and so many have chosen peace, and this is how it all begins, one person at a time. Each one teach one, each one lead one. Each one take the hand of another and show them the way, show them the way, the way, the light and the truth. For this is the teachings of the Essenes, the way, there we lived in peace, we lived in balance, we lived in harmony. Today as you come together in community, you are a portal of peace, regardless of where you are living, many around the globe, and many of you not physically together, but you are coming together in consciousness, coming together through this transmission, and you are holding the vibration of peace, as you see Dearest Ones, you are all old Essenes, Essene brothers and sisters that have come back together again to once again reclaim the memory and the remembrance of how to live in balance and harmony on this planet, being at peace, being at peace, being at peace.


Today as you center into your heart, as you center into the joy, as you center into this transmission that is now vibrating through your essence. May you begin to feel the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you. And so Dearest Ones, know that as you now bring forth the white light of God’s love, you can summon the protective white light through the tube of light, the tube of light is a shield of energy that transcends from God through your Higher Self, into your physicality. And so as you call forth this energy of the tube of light, feel the energy of God’s Living Light becoming brighter and brighter and brighter within your consciousness, and so as you call this energy forth, know that you are sealed with this tube of light, and that it keeps you free from discordant energy, from unwanted energies, and keeps you from feeling depleted, vulnerable. And so it holds the power for you to be revitalized, to be rejuvenated, and to remember the presence of who you are, calling in the white light of the protective tube of light around you. There within that energy your heart begins to open and your mind begins to be healed, as you seal, seal, seal the tube of light around you, know that all energies that are not of love and peace are transmuted by the violet fire. And so beloveds, call forth this energy, beloved I AM presence, seal me in the tube of light, and call forth this energy so that I may return to the peace in which I was created. Which I know within my heart is of truth. Surround me, again, with this essence. Surround me with this peace, surround me with this joy, knowing that it is my birthright, and as I stand with an awakened heart, may I open my heart to the love of God. May I open my heart to the love of God, may I open my heart to the love of God, feeling the essence and presence of this powerful light of God’s white light surrounding me. And peace emanating from my being.


Today as we all stand with you, Yeshua, Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and Dear Quan Yin, may you begin to feel this energy strengthening your mind, body and spirit so that you can carry on as messengers of the way. As you see, Dearest Ones, as part of the Essene community, you are here on this day to bring peace. It is that which we did during the time of Christ, during the time 2,000 years ago we lived in harmony and balance despite all of the challenges, despite all of the discordant energy, and today you have so much more that is being brought forth to you, in your consciousness, for you are able to understand these concepts of peace, at a deeper and more powerful level. And yet we, as the Essene community, we held on and we continue to hold on to the truth that peace will prevail upon this planet. And indeed, the 1,000 years of peace has begun. And so we are so honored that you are willing today to be a part of this Great Conclave, of stepping forward into the way, once again, re-remembering your remembrance, re-remembering your remembrance, re-remembering your remembrance that you are Divine children of God, powerful beings. And so today as you enter into this state of grace, may your heart begin to open, and your mind begin to be healed. May you begin to feel the essence and presence of love, filling every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being, as you stand tall and stand proud, simply knowing that you have come home to yourself, and that you are here by divine appointment. Today is a day that God has made, it is good and it is rich. Today as you feel the energy and the essence of peace within your heart, may your heart begin to open, may your mind begin to be healed, may you simply begin to feel the energy of peace upon your soul. The energy of peace is a gateway, it is a star gate, it is an energy of ascension, and so today as you begin to feel this energy, as you move forward into the ascension process, begin to feel the power, begin to feel the power, begin to feel the power. Simply begin to remember that you are the radiant light of peace, and that you are living in joy and remembrance of who you truly are. Do not allow any discordant energies to affect you, there is no need to be afraid, for you are powerful, powerful beings of light. You are here by Divine appointment, you are here making peace, you are here, standing tall and standing proud. The planet is the planet of love, and the planet is the planet of peace, and truly know that with each step that you take you are bringing even more peace and love upon this planet, simply allow yourself to surrender, trust, allow and receive, knowing that truth, peace, love and joy will prevail upon this planet. Simply do not allow yourself to become involved in the hatred, the violence, the warring, the negativity, or the separation. Yes they are dualities and they do exist, and each person has free will choice. It is your choice today if you say yes to peace, if you say yes knowing that you are choosing peace over fear, peace.


And so Dearest Ones, call in this energy, call in this essence, call in this joy, open your heart to love, and use the violet flame of transmutation to transmute your own fear and pain into love and peace. It is simply time to bring the energy of peace onto the world at a deeper level, for humanity is more than ready for peace to prevail upon this planet. Yes, I say, humanity is more than ready for peace to prevail upon this planet. You are the peacemakers, you are the wayshowers, and you are the bearers and the children of light. The energy of peace is your birthright. So hold and carry this essence within you, simply knowing that you are a divine child of God. What has happened within this year of 2020 has again been very disturbing to many, and yet Dearest Ones, so many are ready for peace, so many are ready to shift their consciousness, from fear to love. Into peace. Simply allowing this new vibration of peace, perhaps it has eluded you. We say new vibration but this powerful vibration of peace that is now flooding the planet, it is a greater force field of energy that is coming from the galactic brothers and sisters, it is coming from all of the masters and all those who are serving this planet and all of humanity, this powerful force field is flooding the hearts and minds of all souls, who choose to awaken and to receive this. And so today, again, as you say, how can this be? Indeed it is, Dearest One. Feel it. It is palpable. It is present. It is flooding the earth. You will begin to see, again, the transmissions of the energy, through your pictures, through your images, and again even through your thought forms, through your third eye. As you begin to feel and sense and be aware, that the light of God truly surrounds you, and that peace truly prevails, and as you open yourself to this remembrance, that peace is your birthright. The time of the Great Awakening has now arrived, as humanity is ready to return to a balanced and harmonious state in order for peace to prevail on planet earth. Peace. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Allow your heart to open, allow your mind to be healed, simply know truly that the love of God surrounds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well, feeling the essence and the presence of peace, feeling the essence and presence of love, feeling the essence and presence of joy.


So Dearest Ones, claim that the miracle of peace shall be bestowed upon this planet. Know that as you release all separation and limitation, there is no place for any discordant energy, that peace and love are more powerful than the lower frequencies and by the energy of Divine Grace, Grace Elohim, she steps forward to place her grace upon this planet and all beings who are open to receive, Grace Elohim. As we now invoke the assistance of the angelic realms and all the Ascended Masters, our galactic brothers and sisters and all beings that are now coming forward to assist this planet, call forth this divine perfection of healing through peace, releasing through love, calling forth the golden white light of ascension to return to this planet, illuminating the hearts and minds of all, may we be the peacekeepers and way showers and the vessels of light that we are deemed to be. Go forward my children with peace within your heart, go forward with love within your heart, go forward with the light of God within the essence of your being. Go now my children, prepare yourself to receive, prepare yourself to receive, for the presence of God’s living light upon your soul. Go now my children, you are showing the way, the light and the truth to others as they truly step forward into this remembrance of peace within their hearts once again, go now my children, be at peace.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com