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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

Mother Earth Has Ascended

November 10, 2020

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Christ. I come on this most auspicious day, I say thank you to each of you for stepping forward to answer what we call the Clarion Call. The Clarion Call of the fire of life that is now being breathed into the earth. Yes, it is indeed of truth, that the powerful dragon that is held within the essence of the heart of Mother Earth, and in the center of the crystalline core of Mother Earth, who has been holding the flame and the light and the love and the energy, breathing the vitality of the energy of Mother Earth back into her wondrous and divine perfection. And so today I ask each of you to call forth this energy within your own system, calling in the flame of resurrection, but also calling forth the energy of the dragon, the fire of life, breathing this energy into the essence of your own personal lives, into your personal missions, and standing in the truth of who you truly are. It is simply time now, for it is of great importance that the earth as it is moving through this final stage of transformation, in the year 2020, now be purified. You have gone through a major shift, as you see with this energy of what you understand of this pandemic that has caused a great uproar and has caused much chaos and fear. And yet now, Dearest Children, the purification and the energies of fear, and the lower vibrational frequencies that have been held upon the earth are now being purified and purged. You see, the dragon energy, the fire of life, has been infused as they say, into the earth, purified, restoring, renewing and again, take this energy as you understand it to be in your own individual lives and begin to purify any and all lower discordant frequencies that no longer serve you. If you are suffering from any spiritual, physical, emotional or mental disease, then call in this powerful dragon, call in this powerful flame of resurrection, call in the elixir of life and call in this energy to restore yourself and the earth, as the earth continues to be flooded with this powerful flame of healing.


For you see at this time there is a powerful shift of consciousness that is taking place within all of you individually, and collectively. The fear that has been predominant over this earth plane is now soon to be eradicated. Since the fall of Atlantis the energy of fear has been held within the etheric blueprint of Mother Earth. This is why this year of 2020 has been critical, and it is why there has been so much fear prevalent, as if it is seeping out from the pores of Mother Earth’s back, as if people are intensifying their fear, any and all energies that are not of love shall continue to be purified. So call in the energy of the dragon, call in the energy of the flame and the fire of life. Call in the resurrection flame to resurrect your own life, to resurrect your own fears, to resurrect, again, the energies that no longer serve you. So today as I step forward with the energy of Melchizedek, the order of Melchizedek, each of you are a part of the Divine Order of Melchizedek, each of you are Master Teachers and Masters who have stepped forward into this time to be teachers, to be wayshowers, to lead the way. The Council of Twelve is here as well and they are aligning each of your individual lives into the prospective order that your own soul, your own spirit, is now ready to receive. You are all being divinely orchestrated to move forward into your life pathway with grace and ease. So you see, Dearest One, that this energy, as we say, of the energy of the dragon has purified, just like fire that purifies. You are being resurrected, reborn, rebirthed. There will be new ideas, new inspirations, and for many you will be in new locations, having a new life, starting anew. And perhaps you are simply letting go of that which no longer serves you. So today as you step forward into this frequency of the violet flame, as a this energy of the violet fire and the violet flame of transmutation is transmuting this energy of peace, harmony, and balance onto the earth, as if waves and waves of energy are now flooding this planet. And you will begin to see, as they say, a calmer year of 2021, your lives will begin to return to a level of normalcy which will allow you to feel this greater sense of peace within yourself. This is the energy that is flooding the planet, it is peace. This is the energy that is flooding the hearts and minds of all souls, this is the energy that Mother Earth is able to bring forth, for you see the heart of Mother Earth has been protected from the lower frequencies, and now in her purest frequency, the heart of Mother Earth can now pulsate waves and waves of love to the surface population, and just like the beings in Telos, and like the old Lemurians and old Atlanteans, who lived in the purest state of consciousness, those who are ready to receive here on the planet, the surface population, will begin to be ignited and infused with greater peace.


Begin to allow your heart to be open, as Mother Earth sends her waves and waves of love. It is as if the floodgates have been opened and there is no need to worry, for your planet, as they say, has been shifted and recalibrated into her rightful position, and despite what you may see or feel or sense, in your third dimensional reality, there is peace, there is transformation, there is healing that is taking place on multiple levels, do not succumb to these lower frequencies, do not engage, but simply hold your frequency to the highest and most purest level of love that you are able to emit. So now, as we say, Mother Earth no longer needs to be protected, for she has stepped forward into her rightful position as she has stepped forward onto another level of ascension, and each of you have been holding the space of love for her. Each of you have been holding the space of love for Mother Earth, and all inhabitants to rise above the mundane, letting go, letting God. So today as you feel this energy of rejuvenation, allow yourself to expand your energy and to rejuvenate not only your physical body, but allow yourself to feel this shift within your body and allow yourself to begin to feel the vitality and the excitement of being renewed again, being reborn again, as today as you are receiving these waves an waves of love and peace from the beautiful dragon, and from the heart of Mother Earth, this energy is flooding this planet and there is peace. As we have said before, the 1,000 years of peace has begun, but now this energy is intensifying, and more and more will begin to feel this energetically, those who are not able to receive this vibration will indeed leave this planet, for there are many more awakening, many more hearts being opened, for today is about opening your heart chakra and feeling the essence of peace. As each of you are a part of the Order of Melchizedek, as each of you are a part of the Council of Light, as each of you are part of the great whole, you have understood and have done this process before, you have done this in other dimensional frequencies, and so do not give up, do not become discouraged, do not feel as if doomsday is coming, for you see, we are here serving this planet, and it is our devotion that Mother Gaia and all inhabitants return to peace.


This is a day that God has made it is good and it is rich. And as you stand in alignment to this frequency and you begin to continue to feel and allow the flame of the violet fire that is flooding this planet with love, begin to feel your heart, feel your heart, feel your heart, for this powerful frequency of the violet fire moving into your essence and into your presence, so please take a deep, inhaling breath and begin to breathe in this energy of our beloved dragon, who is breathing in what we call the elixir of life, the fire of life, resurrecting and bringing peace and healing to this earth. Once again allow it to come into your individual lives, allow your heart to open and expand with this power of love. Waves upon waves of love are being emitted, just like the tide coming in, over and over again, as the tide moves forward into its rhythmic cycle, these waves and waves of peace and love are now flooding the earth, and you will begin to feel more love within your individual lives, love for yourself, and love for another, and you will begin to feel this energy of support, that all that you need, all that you desire is within your being. You are simply in this beautiful bubble of love, you are in this beautiful wave of peace, you are in this beautiful energy of tranquility. Feel the essence and presence of the divine light that you are, the divine peace that you are, the divine tranquility that you are, letting go, letting God. I will step back now and allow my Mary to speak as I step forward to help each of you to ascend into your Christ essence, merging from the lower frequencies into your I AM presence, into Christ embodiment as masters that you are, truly, truly, truly accepting and receiving this gift today of the holy resurrection that is being offered onto you as you resurrect yourself into peace and love and divine holy grace.


Greetings my beloveds, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. Yes, the energy of the Council of 12 is here, as they are overseeing this universe. As Yeshua has said, the flame of fire has now purified low frequencies upon your earth plane. This is an energetic frequency that is purifying and clearing and healing all distorted energies, because you see, Mother Gaia has risen in consciousness, and she is indeed now in her protected state of peace and love. As if it is like a newborn baby that has been born again. And the Mother and Father protect the same child. So Mother Earth is this beautiful shield and protection, she is strong, she is vital. But we ask you to hold the intention of love for her, as she continues to bring forth her light and her healing for all of her children upon the planet. This is the time, this is the now, this is the time, this is the now. Letting go, letting God.


Each of you, Dearest Ones, are powerful wayshowers, and as you allow your energy now to submerge and to merge with the energy of Mother Gaia, living in balance and harmony with her, you will always be protected, you will always be guided, and that which you need, as they say, will be at your fingertips. What you need will be there before you need it. Everything that is yours to receive shall now be given onto you, as if like waves and waves and waves of love, light, healing energy is now being flooded onto you. And so Dearest Ones receive this gift with an open heart, receive this love from Mother Gaia, receive this gift from the beautiful dragon, that oversees the energy there at Mt. Shasta, the beautiful mountain. The energy is so powerful, it is so transformative, it is so healing, know that today, as you enter into this time of grace, that your life is in a state of renewal, what you knew yesterday will be different from today. As you continue to raise your frequency simply allowing yourself to transcend and to ascend into higher vibrational frequencies each and every moment of every day. Peace be with you, this is the energy that is flooding the planet, peace on earth. So as you call forth this ascension energy and you now accept your divine abundance, it is with great gratitude that you are to receive now, appreciate the wondrous assistance that you are now receiving from the realms of light, as you are receiving greater abundance in all aspects of your life. As you call forth once again the flame of resurrection, you are resurrecting your entire life.


And so today as you feel this energy of allowing yourself to rise above the mundane, knowing that you are here to serve and to be served. And that again, the energies of the lower frequencies that have been affecting this planet will no longer affect you. You are in the world but not of it. And do not worry, Dearest Children, that this civilization will fall, like the time of Atlantis. You have shifted the timelines, you have shifted the energy, you have allowed yourself to live in this frequency, upon this day, with an open heart, trusting and surrendering and knowing that you have come forth, and all of the hard work that you have brought forth in this incarnation and through all incarnations of time has now been received, acknowledged. You say, oh, this is impossible, and we say Dearest Ones, from this day forth, your life will be filled with grace and ease. The abundance of the universe is yours, all that you need is gifted to you, all that you desire shall be at your fingertips, and all that is brought forth into this planet is done with holy grace. So once again we flood the earth with the violet fire, with the assistance of the dragon, calling in the energy, to saturate the earth with waves and waves of violet fire, calling forth the divine perfection of God’s will to manifest on earth, clearing and healing all discord on earth that is not of love, and you and all shall return to their original state of perfection in which you were originally created. So the violet flame is bringing forth the energy of peace, love and freedom upon this planet, peace, love and freedom.


Today as you let go and let God, truly let your beautiful light shine, letting the heart of the Mother and the heart of the Father stand with you, and as you call in this frequency, may you invoke the energy of the Violet Fire from the heart of God, and expand it into your own energy field, and feel the peace, calling forth the energy of the violet fire into your heart, bringing in the energy of peace, and truly Dearest Children, may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Feel the power, feel the presence, feel this energy of peace, feel the energy of transformational light as it is brought forth upon your soul, calling forth the name of the Great I AM, as you call forth the purity of love within your being. Go now my children and feel the peace. And truly know that you are loved, as again, the energy of the Council of 12 is here, orchestrating your own individual universe, your own individual lives. Trust and surrender, the Council of 12 is helping you, the order of Melchizedek, the Council of Light, standing with you, you have moved through this birthing process, you have graduated, as they say, from the earthly realm into the higher frequencies with Mother Earth, and there is no longer any need to be afraid, simply today you have graduated, you have ascended, you have shifted in consciousness, and all of your lives will be filled with grace and ease. Go forward my children with great gratitude in your heart, filling your heart with peace, knowing that you are indeed Great Masters, and that which you seek you shall receive. Go now my children, blessed be to all of you, you have come through the dark night of the soul, and you have stepped forward into this higher frequency with Mother Gaia, it has been a long journey, we thank you, we acknowledge in gratitude for the beautiful gifts you have been given and will continue to receive, go now my children, as Yeshua and I stand with you, holding the Divine, Sacred Balance within you, go forth with peace, go forth with love, go forth with internal grace. In this we give our blessings, and so it is.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com