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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

4-3-2017 Mary Magdalene’s Message

April 3, 2017

Greetings Dear Ones, it is I, Christ. Mary Magdalene is here as well. We stand with you at this most auspicious time, to once again bring in these most beautiful frequencies of these activations, for we make our apologies for that interference of our last gathering. May we ask you to take a deep breath and stand in the living light of God, and bring in the essence and presence into your heart, into your remembrance, into the living Light of God. Into the essence of all that is. And so Dear Ones we thank you once again for this opportunity to bring in the essence and presence of peace into the hearts of all. So once again allow yourself to open to the remembrance of all that is.

Dear Children, it is of great importance that each of you begin to center yourself so we will move you once again into the activation of opening yourself as portals, and light bearers, for the energy of the living light of God. So please, as we have said, take a deep breath, place your feet upon the ground, connect yourself to the energy of the heart of the earth mother, and take a deep breath and simply begin to breathe, opening your heart, and simply beginning to breathe, opening your heart and simply beginning to breathe. With each breath that you take, I ask that you open yourself up to the portal of the living light of God. Each of you Dear Ones are portals for the living light of God. Every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being is activated and awakened as Divine portals of light, into the living light of God. Yes, Dearest Children, every cell, every fiber of your body is activated as portals into the living light of God. So, Dear Ones, take a deep breath and feel the essence of the love of God, the power of God and the presence of God, as this powerful frequency emerges into your essence, breathe in this frequency, breathe in this light, breathe in this love. Breathe in this frequency, breathe in this light, breathe in this love, opening yourself to receive the powerful frequency of all that is. Opening your frequency to breathe in the power of all that is.

And so now Dearest Children your cells are vibrating in the excitement and the anticipation that each of you are awakening and ascending and merging closer into oneness with all that is. This is a very exciting day, for the physical cells within your body are dancing with delight as you are merging and centering yourself closer into oneness to all that is. And so Dearest Children take a deep inhaling breath, breathe in the essence of love, breathe in the essence of joy, breathe in the essence of freedom. And now Dearest Children, as we begin the first initiation, we ask you to breathe in the frequency of the sixth dimensional frequency, as I step forward once again to ignite you and to bring you into this full acceleration of living and breathing what we call the sixth dimensional frequency.

It is there within this frequency that you are able to step forward into your light body, and now with your conscious intention, to be able to breathe and to live and to embody the essence of this powerful frequency. It is there within this powerful portal that we are extending to you, into your conscious state of mind, that will allow you access to the frequency of the sixth dimension as you center and settle yourself, very gently into this powerful frequency of peace. And so breathe my children breathe, breathe in this powerful portal of peace, it is there within this frequency that the energy of your awakened Christ, your connection to all that is, shall now come forward to you. This is a powerful portal but also Dearest Ones it is a powerful initiation, it is an initiation into centering yourself into oneness. Returning to Oneness, returning to balance. Returning to sacred union. Yes Dearest Ones, this is the step to enlightenment and the freedom of the soul. And so breathe Dearest Ones as you step into this frequency and to this powerful portal, this initiation is connecting you to peace. Peace is your birthright, peace is your birthright, peace is your birthright. And so breathe in this essence of the living light of God, and breathe in my children, breathe, breathe in the essence of the living light of God. Breathe my children, breathe.

And as we stand with you, the Arcturians, the Palaedians, and yes, the Holy of the Holies are here, and they too are assisting you as you step forward into this powerful frequency of peace. Each of you have agreed to come to this planet to be peace keepers and way showers for the living light of God on this planet, and today as we gift you with this initiation, you are stepping forward into peace, allowing the state of grace to now come over you, the powerful frequency of Grace Elohim, the powerful state of Grace coming over you, remember Dearest Children, in this energy of the sixth dimensional frequency, there is only love and there is only peace, and yes Dearest Children there is grace. I want you to leave all of your earthly concerns behind, and step into the frequency of Grace, stepping into the now, stepping into the moment, stepping into this frequency of all that is. And simply grace your light, grace your light. You Dearest Children are powerful keepers of the light, guardians of the light, and just as has been explained before, the Earth Mother is in need of your assistance. For the darkness that is on this planet is in need of clearing, and here many of you are living or have lived, perhaps in this incarnation or another period of time, in the center of the Earth Mother. You are here to help illuminate Divine Mother Love, and to bring her love to the surface population, and the illumination of the light that is being brought forth by the Arcturians and the Palaedians, as they are flooding this planet with peace and harmony and love and grace.

So much is happening, for there are so many light codes that are being infused at this time, here in the sixth dimension Dearest Ones you are holding this frequency as if you are above it all. You are holding this frequency and today your physical bodies, your conscious minds are portals of light. Your physical bodies, your conscious mind are portals of light, and so Dearest Ones can you feel yourself as you are holding this light in all of her inhabitants and particularly in the heart of Mother Earth, both on the surface and at the core of Mother Earth, the light that is flooding and infusing this planet is clearing the density and the heaviness, and you Dearest Children have agreed to be the gatekeepers and the peace keepers, and so this is why Dearest Children you are initiated into the sixth dimensional frequency at this time. And now Dearest Children we ask you to imagine yourselves as an elevator, going into the next initiation, moving forward into the next frequency. And there Dearest Children, can you feel the sense of excitement and exhilaration. Each of you are being lifted to what we call the portal of light, the eight dimensional frequency, we’ve moved you up to the eighth frequency, it is there that creation and manifestation comes forward as easily and effortlessly, as a thought. And so we ask you to breathe, and to hold your consciousness and your conscious mind into this eighth dimensional frequency of what we call pure light. It is there within this eighth frequency that you are being initiated as Gods and Goddesses, as masters. And yes we will call you transmuters. For you will transmute all that no longer serves you, transmute the darkness into light.

And here Dearest Children you are being downloaded and initiated as ascended masters, masters and keepers of the light, so that you can create for your life that which is for your highest good. We are gifting you with this ability to create, into your conscious form, into your conscious mind, with ease and yes, with grace. This is the excitement, this is the acceleration, this is the key to the opening, the key to the living light of God. And so Dearest Ones, in this eighth dimensional frequency, you are connected by your thoughts to all that is. And what we are doing in simple terms is…so that you may understand and begin to consciously use the eighth dimensional frequency in your daily life, here in the third dimension. So you can bring this energy into your physicality, into your conscious mind, into your daily reality so that you can create and manifest, for it is time, it is time, it is time. You are ascended masters and keepers of the light, and it is time to use these gifts.

And so Dearest One, we know move you into the third initiation. Each of you are standing with the Holy of the Holies at the right hand of God, and there if you can feel you energy, and feel what we call the silence, the beautiful essence and energy of silence, where all is one, all is in harmony, all is in balance, all is as it is. The beautiful energy and frequency of silence. It is there that creation and the energy of the Great Godhead exist, in pure silence. Can you begin to feel this now emerging to your inner consciousness? We call it the sound of silence. It is in this vast energy of silence that you shall begin to feel your strength and power in this third initiation. We are lifting you Dear One as you sit at the right hand of God. Even if you cannot comprehend this, this is your birthright. As your physical bodies are simply way stations and portals of this powerful frequency of silence, the sounds of silence, the energy of God, the energy of all that is. Perhaps this may seem confusing, but this is the energy of original creation. You are being initiated into the energy of original creation. You are being given this gift today, to tap into this frequency, so that you may feel the presence and the essence of all that is.

Feel the essence and the presence of original creation, allowing this into your conscious mind, into your light body, into you merkabic field. It is there within this powerful frequency that you will stay aligned and centered. Our purpose here Dearest Ones is to keep you grounded, balanced, and in Divine Union with all that is. And so these initiations are extremely important, as you are being aligned on so many levels that you cannot comprehend. And we ask you to simply embrace yourself, and the frequencies that are being gifted to you upon this day. Each of you are being asked to be conduits, and keepers of the light. And each of you hold a great responsibility to hold the purest of frequencies, for you have agreed to serve in this beautiful capacity, with all that is. And so Dear Ones, here as you sit and stand and embrace your frequency, the Holy of the Holies at the right hand of God, your brilliance and your light are being infused in this planet. You are radiating your frequency, like the sun emits its rays of light, your powerful frequency and connection to all that is, is being emitted to the multi-dimensional aspects of your being.

I understand the confusion of being in your earthly body and not understanding your Divine power. And so I’m gifting you with these gifts upon this day, so that you may consciously move into the sixth dimension, the eighth dimension, and sit at the right hand of God with the Holy of the Holies, where you may access your Divine power. This is a gift I give to you in preparation for the resurrection of your soul, here at this time, in your incarnation. And so Dearest Ones, we ask you to feel your brilliance and your magnificence, and settle your heart, and proclaim your Divinity. You Dear Ones, have been activated and initiated into your mastery self, even if it is for a moment, in your conscious mind, this is a gift that you have been given, it is a gift to be used in this lifetime, accessing the frequencies of peace within the sixth dimension, and the eighth dimension, accessing the energy of creation and manifestation, into your conscious energy field, and manifesting it into your third dimensional reality, and then moving into the frequency of all that is, sitting at the right hand of God, feeling the peace and the silence and the presence of being connected to oneness and all that is.

These gifts today are being given to you freely. It is not by accident and it is not by omission, for each of you are being given this because you have earned the right and you deserve to be present and to receive. Do not underestimate these initiations, do not underestimate the power of these gifts that I bring to you. At our last gathering these frequencies were instilled within your being. And today they are anchored within your being. You are fully anchored with these frequencies, this is of great importance. You are being anchored with these frequencies. And the powerful essence of God’s living light is now centered within your being. When you’ve become confused, angry, or upset please return to oneness as you move yourself to sit with the Holy of the Holies at the right hand of God, sitting in silence, even if it’s for a moment, returning to Oneness, returning to unity, returning to the Divinity of the truth of who you are. Each of you are being flooded now with beautiful light codes that are flooding your essence and your very presence. You are being flooded with these powerful frequencies, it is clearing away the negativity and the darkness, the fear, the pain, the sorrow, and the sadness. And the loss. We say loss, for it is a loss of your remembrance, of your connection to Oneness. And so Dearest Children, step into this frequency of unity consciousness, that all is one, and that we are all connected. And your light and the energy that is being gifted to you in these initiations, are setting you free. Free to serve, free to be.

May the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. You are now in this powerful frequency, call it in. You have separated yourselves from Oneness, today this gift is being gifted back to you, to return to oneness. Hold the essence of God’s love within your being. Hold the essence of God’s love within your being. Hold the essence of God’s love within your being. You are the living light of God, now initiated into your full glory. Awakened, be awakened, and let your light shine so others may see. Awakened, be awakened, and let your light shine so others may see. I repeat, awaken, be awakened, and let your light shine so others may see. Your magnificence and your brilliance is most powerful. Can you feel your magnificence? Can you feel your brilliance? Can you feel your energy to center yourself into peace? There is stillness within your heart, there all answers lie and reside, the stillness. Here, as you sit at the right hand of God in this powerful stillness, you are set free.

As you sit in stillness at the right hand of God you are set free. Free to serve, free to love, and free to be. So now Dearest Children, let me take your hand and walk you over to what we call the kingdom. May I refer to this as the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of all that is. It is there within this powerful frequency, as we take your hand, I ask you to feel this powerful frequency where you will know in your conscious state, and in your very cellular structure of your physical body that all is in order and all is as it should be. I take you to this place called the kingdom of heaven, so that you can now feel the presence of unity and oneness in the vastness of all of life. This kingdom is inside of you. This kingdom is inside of you. This kingdom is inside of you. This is where peace resides, where all life as we know it, with the fruits of the spirit, of love and joy, peace, tranquility, knowledge, wisdom, wealth, all of this resides within you. And there this energy is settled within your being, feel it within your heart, that you are rich, and there is a plethora and a cornucopia of wealth, for all that you need, be it love, knowledge wisdom, perfect health, peace of mind, harmony, financial wealth, abundance, forgiveness, graciousness, centeredness, oneness. This is the kingdom that you seek, which is inside of yourself.

And so Dearest Children, I ask that you receive this and feel it now inside of your heart, and as I take your hand, and you now descend as they say back into your third dimensional consciousness, at least for now, you are able to access the sixth, the eighth, and the kingdom of heaven, and energy of the right hand of God. This Dear One is extremely important. As I’ve said earlier, the energy of Mother Earth, here in the heartland is in need of your powerful frequencies, and the illumination of your powerful light will begin to heal the darkness and illuminate the way for others to awaken. And so Dearest Children let your light shine so others may see, let your light shine so others may see. You are the living light of God, you are the wayshowers, the peace keepers, and as I have gifted you with these three initiations, may your heart open to the remembrance of peace. Be still be still be still and know that you are God.

You Dearest Children are the living light and the keepers of light. You have chosen to serve and we have come today to assist you so that your journey may now be much easier, and that you may be in divine flow with all that is. Go now my children with the understanding that all is in order and all is as it should be. You are the teachers you are the leaders, you are the energy of the living light of God. And so Dearest Ones, as you accept these gifts upon this day, we thank you for your time, we thank you for your attention, we thank you for your willingness to serve, and to be served. And so as you allow yourself to be infused with these powerful frequencies, accept them with an open heart, and give freely of your beautiful heart, gifted with so much grace upon this day. And so Dearest Ones, know that the kingdom of heaven is inside of you, and that you have access to all that you need, by returning to silence, being still, as you allow yourself to return to oneness and unity with all that is.

Go now in peace and grace and love within your heart, be still be still be still and listen to the energy of the heart of the Mother as she is calling you to assist her and to bring her peace and grace at this time. Your planet is undergoing a major transmutation and in the springtime of the year of 2017 so much is being transmuted, so much is being graced, and you are a part of this great transmutation as you receive this transformation upon your soul, as this is a part of the resurrection of the soul, that has been gifted to you during the time of the celebration of my crucifixion and resurrection. Now go my children and be at peace and know that you are loved.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com