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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

2-18-19 Mary Magdalene’s Message

February 25, 2019

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. It is of great importance and great significance that each of you begin to take a bow and begin to honor yourself for all that you have brought forth onto this planet through generations of time, not only in this particular incarnation, but through all of your incarnations. As you all know, you are many of the original earth volunteers that had come to this planet eons and eons ago, when my beloved Yeshua called forth the Great Conclave, and encouraged and invited you to assist Mother Gaia. And so today it is our honor to open the portal of Divine, Cosmic Grace onto the earth, as if it is a wave of energy from the powerful frequency of Grace Elohim, that is pouring the frequency of Cosmic Light and Love onto this planet in a most powerful form that will allow each soul to begin to access their remembrance of all of their essent selves that have been stored within the Akashic records, and each of you shall begin to re-remember your power, your gifts, your talents, and begin to access these frequencies in this incarnation. You shall evermore be changed, moving into this powerful frequency of your essent selves that have been stored, recorded in your own Akashic records.

Today, Dearest Ones, we ask you to open this portal within yourself, as Grace Elohim steps forward, and like opening a door, you are stepping into your frequency of Divine, Holy Grace, of who you truly are, and you shall begin to access this strength that’s held inside of you, and move forward into your mission with grace, ease and love. You also Dearest Children are opening the door for your fellow brothers and sisters, the young souls and the new souls, and the children who are the indigos, the crystalline children, the rainbow children who are stepping forward now and bringing forth their wisdom, how to assist and help Mother Gaia to heal from the discordant energies that humanity has caused upon the surface of Mother Gaia’s back. These new souls will bring forth new inventions, new ideas, to help assist this planet and to make the planet a place where each of you can now live once again in harmony and balance. This is a true statement, do not worry for there are many souls that are now stepping forward, and the door has opened upon this day, of Cosmic Grace, the Grace Elohim, that is allowing these souls to receive their wisdom and their remembrance, not only from previous civilizations, but particularly from Atlantis, where the technology that was held in that civilization was quite advanced. These new technologies, these new inventions that these young souls and yes, some of these old souls, are bringing forward to help assist the planet through new technology, of use of the elements, the sun, the air, the earth, the fire, will be brought forth now into reality to assist this planet.

And so, Dear One, each of you have been the pioneers holding this energy and this frequency for these souls to come forward so that they can be accepted and received, because each of you have held the consciousness and the light and the frequency for this planet to awaken the energy of as many souls who are ready to awaken to their true remembrance, their true divinity. I want to thank each of you for being the anchors of light, the pillars of light, and bringing forth your light onto the world, regardless of how difficult it has been, regardless if you do not understand what you have been doing, being called to move from place to place, city to city, home to home, region to region, without compensation, without acknowledgment, and perhaps at times, with skepticism. We say to you, Dearest Children, you are honored, you are blessed and you are well-received here in the high heavens. We want to honor you for all the work that you have done, the commitment that you have made, and holding the truth inside of your being, regardless of how it appears to the outer world, or even to your own conscious mind. We are so, so happy to bring forth the energy of Elohim Grace today, opening up this portal of Divine, Cosmic Light, and Divine, Cosmic Grace, so that these technologies, these inventions can now assist the world, and make life easier for others, and return this planet to its original state of the pristine planet in which it was originally created, simply meaning that the pollution, the destruction of the natural resources can be restored with the help of these wise souls that are coming forward to help this planet.

You see Dearest Children there is hope, hope, the acronym of hope, help our people evolve. Hope. So, Dearest Ones, each of you have held this frequency within the essence of your being. You’ve always held the frequency of hope, helping our people evolve. So once again I want to thank you for your dedication, your commitment, your determination, your love and the beautiful light that you have anchored upon this planet. Today, in many ways, is a day of celebration, it is a day of remembrance that regardless of what you have been through and what you have experienced, and what you have not understood, you are holding this energy with Elohim Grace, literally you are all holding the frequency of Elohim Grace as if this new wave of energy, of Cosmic Light, Love, Healing and Grace is being ushered in so the new souls can step into this wave of energy and be accepted. It is a glorious, glorious day. It is a beautiful day, and we are here celebrating each of you, and gifting you, each of you being gifted the power and remembrance of your beautiful essent selves, and what we mean by this, all lifetimes, all incarnations, the attributes that you have held, the talents, the skills that you have held in other incarnations are coming forward as if it is a cumulative effect, and you will begin to awaken and to access these talents, skills, energies, frequencies that have been held within your Akashic records, within your essent self.

And so Dearest Children, do not be surprised by what you are able to do now. Perhaps you will be able to hear spirit more clearly, and your psychic senses will open. Perhaps you will find yourself becoming a prolific writer, perhaps you will have an invention or idea that will help assist the world. On and on it goes. Don’t be surprised by what will be happening to you and through you, for this is the wave of energy that is opening and accessing the power of the spirit, for this beautiful planet to return to its original state. So many people are frightened for the outcome for this planet, and its trajectory. Will civilization be destroyed? Will we destroy the earth? All of the fears, all of the concerns, all of the worries of what humanity has done to humanity and to the earth. So today we say there is hope, and the legions of angels, those who are coming in the physical form, in the human form, we call them angels to help this planet to return back to its original state as the beautiful planet of love. Her resources shall be restored, her beauty shall be restored, and this frequency will be felt in the hearts of all who are ready to awaken to this light, and this love, to this cosmic frequency. I ask that you bring it forth to your own heart, as if you are feeling this wave of energy now moving over you and opening, as if it is releasing veils and veils of forgetfulness, releasing veils of forgetfulness, as if layer upon layer upon layer of the separation and illusion that you have been living under, that you are not a powerful spirit, that you have lost your connection, that you are separate, you have no power, you have no control. Now Dearest Children begin to breathe this energy through you, and begin to release these veils, these layers, one by one by one. As if they are literally flying off of you, releasing, being shed, falling away, until you are able to feel the purity within your heart, that you are much more powerful than you understand yourself to be. This will allow you to have access not only to information, but to energy that will be unique to you, from your own Akashic record.

I ask you once again to take a deep breath, and begin to breathe in this frequency, again it is a beautiful wave of Cosmic Grace, Love and Light being brought forth through Grace Elohim, Elohim Grace, gracing you, gracing the planet, gracing all these souls who will come and assist this planet and humanity. Know, Dearest Children, that the old energies that have been ruling this planet truly will begin to fall away. We’ve said this many times before, the crumbling of the old institutions will hold no power or energy in this new wave of energy. This is quite unique, this powerful wave, this portal of energy is pure light and love, and the old patriarchal energies of warring, greed and capitalistic gain and power for the individual, not for the collective, will begin to crumble. Yes, the power for the individual that is not in alignment with the use of Divine power for the collective will begin to crumble. So Dearest Children, be proud that you are here as the pioneers, the forerunners, you literally are standing with the frequency of Elohim Grace and this moment it is truth, you are with her in your spirit self, celebrating the opening of this portal. This may be difficult to comprehend, but your frequency is standing with Elohim Grace and you are there as if you are celebrating or christening an event. Can you feel the silence of this powerful frequency? Can you feel the silence of the power of this frequency? It is within the silence that healing shall occur, not only in your own individual lives, by turning in and listening to the still, quiet voice, but today, the power of this Cosmic Portal opening is indeed a very powerful, potent, silent energy that permeates and penetrates faster than the speed of light, here into the hearts of all souls and onto the earthplane.

Regardless of what you can comprehend, we ask you to honor this and to bring it into your individual lives so that your life and what you have come to complete in this incarnation can be accomplished, that your mission, your life pathway can now move forward with grace and ease, with no obstacles, with no fear, no blockages, but with Divine Grace. As we have said before, we understand the obstacles that you have struggled with. For Yeshua and I have struggled, too, when we lived 2,000 years ago in the incarnations as Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth. As you know, our struggles to remain centered, connected and aligning our frequencies to our mastery selves, to our ascended selves was most difficult. Being in human form, as you know, with all of the trials and tribulations can be quite distracting. So, Dearest Children, we are here to help you to master the outer world and to help you to master your own mental mind and your own emotional mind, so that you stay focused and centered as you feel this energy of Cosmic Light, Love, of Divine Grace Elohim, enveloping you at this moment. As if you are being enveloped and wrapped in this beautiful frequency of Grace Elohim, opening up the door, simply. Opening up this portal of light for you to step forward into. So we say to you Dearest Children that we thank you for listening, we thank you for feeling, we thank you for allowing, we thank you for surrendering.

Dearest Children you have all stepped forward into this wave of energy, and even if you can’t feel it or see it, simply allow and trust that the beautiful wave of Cosmic Love and Light, of Elohim Grace will carry you forward into the next leg of your journey and beyond. What a powerful, powerful day it is for the earth. You will begin to see in your near future so many souls who are coming to assist this planet, and their inventions, their ideas, their new technology will be received, and there will be a relief, as they say, that help has arrived. Know Dearest Children, that there are many Galactic Brothers and Sisters and many angelic beings that are assisting this planet, and we need you all in physical form to assist us, we can not do it alone. We are in union with each other, and so today the awakening, the celebration that these beautiful souls that will be stepping forward, bringing their wisdom forward for this planet is a healing balm to the hearts of many who have been so concerned and worried about beautiful Mother Gaia and the survival of this current civilization. I ask you once again to breathe in the vibration of HOPE, help our people evolve, you Dearest Children have been a part of that conclave of holding the energy for this to occur. As if you have been holding your breath for many lifetimes, as if you have been holding this energy for this to occur. In this particular incarnation, you’ve all stepped forward with love within your heart and the commitment, and you will and are graced. Simply, Dearest Children, what you touch, what you think, what you feel, what you know as truth is graced. Do not be afraid to trust in your own innate wisdom, but say yes, I choose to hold my energy and my essent self, and all aspects of my beautiful spirit in my physical embodiment, and share what I know, and what I hold and carry within me for all the world to see without hesitation, without fear, for each of you are being given a gift of strength today, strength to move forward, strength to move forward.

The powerful energy of the goddesses is here, of the energy of the earth goddesses, are standing with you for the energy of the earth is dancing in delight that harmony and balance will once again return to the surface of the planet, knowing that the energy that is held within the inner earth, with the many earth beings that are living inside of inner earth, are applauding that the surface population has now awakened, and there is truly what we may call the 100-monkey syndrome where this energy will leap forward into the hearts and minds of humanity, and your civilization will begin to make a major turn, in service to Mother Gaia, in service to great spirit, in service to the energy of the spirit and the life of all souls. This may be difficult to comprehend, but we say Dearest Children this is truth, and so you are here on this day being privileged or privy to receiving this information, and share it with the world, share it with those who are ready to hear, that you all are now ready to step forward into this powerful frequency with Grace Elohim, and the earth is graced, humanity is graced, all lifeforms are graced, and all can live in harmony and balance once again. As was intended at the inception of this planet, and all of you as the earth volunteers, we thank you for your long sojourn and journey, for holding the light and the love and the peace for this planet. It will now become easier, and you will not be so tired or worn out, you will simply now begin to feel the energy of hope and joy and renewal, there will be excitement for you will feel the shift.

Go now my children and understand that you have given and give and given and it is your time to receive now. You have given and give and given and it is your time to receive, and so step into this frequency, this beautiful wave of energy, it is powerful, it is healing, it is indeed most potent. Go now and feel the essence of your soul’s alignment, as if you are truly aligned with your spirit. You are aligned, and you are able to accomplish anything that you set your mind to, the doors will open for you one by one by one, the doors will open. So, Dearest Children, go now in peace, go now with the understanding that you have accepted this gift of Cosmic Grace, the beautiful frequency of Grace Elohim, opening the door for all the world to see and feel, the peace, the love and the harmony that is truly your birthright. Stand in your power, stand in the light and feel the energy as you are bathed in this beautiful frequency of love. Go now my children, Yeshua and I stand with you, we honor you, we love you, and we are in gratitude for all that you have done and all that you shall continue to do to serve the living light of God and Mother Gaia. We bless you, go in peace.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com