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Discover your true self with Divine Guidance. 
“Live in joy and remembrance of who you truly are.”


Lea Chapin

The Age of Aquarius

December 2, 2020

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Yeshua. Mary Magdalene is here as well. We say to each of you, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light that this is a time of rebirth, that yes you are in the final phases, as they say, of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. As if this is the final stages of what you call your own labor pains of purging energy and emotions that no longer serve you, indeed it is of truth that this frequency that is now being brought forth is of great significance for all to receive. For you see the energy of the Fall of Atlantis has affected your current civilization, even if others are not aware of it. There has been a heavy overlay, as they say, of this sadness and trauma, of the devastation of that beloved civilization, and many of you who are receiving this information have been in Atlantis and were there during the fall. So you are holding on to these, as they say, raw emotions that are coming to be purged. Perhaps you’re feeling anger, perhaps you’re feeling sadness, perhaps you’re feeling a sense of loneliness or loss. For today, we the Holy Family come to each of you, and we place our hands over your heart, once again to heal these emotions, begin to heal these memories, to begin to heal the trauma that has been held within your soul. There is no need to hold on to this frequency any longer, for we are in a new era. We are now bringing forth what we call the era of peace onto your planet, it is of great importance that each of you stand tall and stand proud and be not afraid, for it is of great importance that you allow yourself to go through this birthing process, this final stage of pushing. You may be feeling mentally, emotionally, physically or energetically tired or strained, or exhausted, or physically be in pain. You may be emotionally in pain, mentally in pain. So we ask you to hold on, as they say, just like the final stages of giving birth before the new baby, the blessing arrives. You are in this final push, as they say, of clearing your own emotional debris, and energy from this time of Atlantis. For many of you have held on to the belief that there is fear, as they say, held within your consciousness. That this could happen again. Because of the current circumstances of your society, you are feeling this sense of vulnerability, this sense of unrest.


And so today we ask you to allow us to place our hands over your heart and to begin to heal those deep-seated wounds of the past. And so today, as you allow yourself to breathe, breathe in the energy of the white light of God, breathing in the energy of peace, breathing in the energy of tranquility, breathing in the energy of hope and renewal. So I ask you at this time, if you so shall, if you are ready, please take a deep breath and simply allow my Mother and my Mary and myself to begin to heal from you, the raw emotions that are affecting you at this time, that are now ready to be healed and purged from your soul. So Dearest Ones, we ask you to breathe, breathing in the golden ray of the white light of God. Simply allowing this energy now to be infused upon your soul, as a healing balm, so all of you will begin to feel, sense and know what we call the vibration of peace. Just as we spoke about this at our gathering, the time and the frequency and the energy of peace is bringing a healing balm over this planet. Peace, peace, peace. This is the era of peace, this is the beginning, as we said, of the Age of Aquarius, the era of peace. For many this frequency has already begun, but for others, they are still struggling with healing the depths of their own emotions, the depths of that which is held within their soul. So today as you begin to breathe, breathe in the energy of tranquility, breathe in the energy of hope, breathe in the energy of renewal. So I ask each of you to stand tall, and stand proud, and be not afraid. Do not allow yourself to succumb to these lower frequencies, for you see Dearest Ones, you are the change you wish to see. You are the pioneers, you are the wayshowers, you are the ground troops, as we say. I’ve said this many times before, we know that it is difficult to be in the human body and in the human condition, but today as you allow yourself to release and let go, know that this time of healing is of great importance. We are here assisting you so that you no longer suffer. There is no need to suffer, there is only to be peace.


So once again take a deep breath and breathe in the vibration of peace, breathe in the vibration of peace, breathe in the vibration of peace. Letting go, letting God, simply allowing your beautiful light to shine. I now will step back and allow my Mary to speak, so as I stand with you, please allow me to continue to infuse within your heart the vibration and the energy of peace.


Greetings Beloveds, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come into your energy fields, I see a bit of confusion that is held within your own auric field. Of that which is occurring. This is a very difficult time for many. And it is of grave importance that you allow yourselves to feel, from the depths of your soul, and no longer suppress or repress those emotions that have been affecting you since the Fall of Atlantis. You say how can this be, how can I carry this energy with me through lifetime after lifetime, and we say Dearest Ones, the soul, as you know it, holds the memories of all that ever was and is. So during that time of Atlantis, where each of you held the consciousness that the civilization was pure, simple, lovely and divine. Again as if you were in heaven, and during the height of that civilization when all was in unity, and all lived in oneness, it was heaven on earth. And it was difficult for each of you to understand how your beloved civilization could take such a turn. So this has been held within the soul consciousness, and today, it is time for it to be released, to be acknowledged, to be purged, to be healed. You say, how simple can this be? But yes, Dearest Children, this is our promise and our covenant onto you, we here, the Holy Family, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Joseph, myself and our Essene family of light are here for all of you. We are here to help you heal and no longer hold this frequency within your essence. It is indeed necessary that all of you who are the wayshowers and the pioneers and the inspiration for this world, live in a state of purity and grace, harmony and bliss.


And so today, simply allow yourself to surrender, surrender, trust, allow and receive. Allowing your beautiful light to shine. Surrender, trust, allow and receive, allowing your beautiful light to shine. So now, Dearest Ones, Mother Mary steps forward, placing her hand over your heart, opening up your deep, deep, deep compassionate and loving heart, and sending waves and waves of healing to your heart. Beginning to heal those raw emotions that are coming forward for all of you to receive. And Yeshua stands beside you, sending you waves and waves of peace within your own auric field. Waves and waves of peace so that your mind, body and your beautiful spirit can relax, and shine as you are the way of the world. Yes, Dearest Children, you are the way of the world. You are the messengers, the pioneers. You are the change you wish to see. So it begins with you clearing and healing from the very depth of your soul, and so please accept this, regardless of what you understand, this is a beautiful gift being given to you in gratitude at this time of your celebration of your thanksgiving, that is honored in your United States of America. A time of thanksgiving, a time of gratitude, and each of you have given, and you have served with dedication and honor and grace, you have never given up, you are warriors of spirit, you are pioneers of deep devotion, and so today as you allow yourself to feel this energy and this healing at the very depth of your soul, allow any pain that you are suffering from, mentally, emotionally, physically or energetically, that you are suffering from, now to heal.


So take another deep breath and allow Mother Mary to come, infusing her energy of compassion and grace, and Yeshua’s energy of peace, and Joseph’s energy of fortitude and strength. And today I bring your foresight, clarity, so that you are able to see and witness and to visualize the pathway of your new life. For again, Dearest Ones, we are merging into a new vibration, into a new life, into divine, holy grace. And so take a few moments and begin to breathe in this vibration, breathe in the vibration of peace, compassion and mercy. As you simply surrender and let go and let God. Surrender, let go and let God. Truly allowing your beautiful light to shine. Surrender, let go and let God. Feeling the presence of love, feeling the presence of peace, feeling the presence of tranquility upon your soul. Letting go, letting God. Breathing in this freedom, breathing in this divine grace, breathing in this peace, breathing in this tranquility. And so today as you enter into this divine state of grace, feel the blessings upon your soul, that you have been gifted with this healing. Receive it. Acknowledge it, trust it, and allow the healing to come forth, to begin to heal the very depths of your soul, the traumas, the wounds. And for all those who are suffering from these emotions, of abandonment, loss, grief, sorrow, anger, loneliness, despair, begin to transmute them now, and know that the New Earth is rising, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, you are a part of this new dawning. And your own physical body, your own soul is being resurrected. You are ascending and shifting and healing, letting go and letting God.


And so Mother, Yeshua, Joseph and I stand with you, we hold this frequency, of divine, universal love for all of you to step forward to receive. We all stand with you, and we understand the pain and the sorrow, and yes the loss, and the trauma that we went through during Yeshua’s crucifixion and resurrection, has been healed within all of us. So we are here to help you to heal from the time of Atlantis, from the time of the Great Fall. And the current emotions that are affecting each of you in your daily lives, that are tied to the past, can also now be healed. It is a beautiful energy frequency that is being sent to you at this time, it is pink and blue rays of light, mixed with the golden light, that are streaming into your heart to be healed, streaming into your soul. Streaming into your consciousness, streaming into all aspects of your being. So today as you feel this energy and this essence, trust, surrender, allow and receive. For as you enter into this beautiful state of tranquility, know that your heart opens to the essence of peace and the energy of joy, and the power of love. Love yourself enough to receive this gift that we bring to you upon this day. Allowing yourself to now clear this. There is no need to suffer. There is no need to be in pain, there is no need to carry on with the remembrances of the past that are held within the soul. Each of you are being given, as we’ve said, this beautiful gift. Because each of you are so important and so needed upon this planet. Each of you are the change we wish to see. We’ve given and given to each of you, we ask that you receive this with grace. So much has been gifted to you, week after week, month after month, year after year. And so we have devoted our time and energy to each of you, because you are important, you are valuable, you are loved. And you are children of light. You are the promise of the future. And so as you hold this frequency now of peace, and allow the healing to occur within you, be not afraid. Simply trust and know that you are more than deserving, and the importance of honoring yourself, loving yourself, and creating that space of love for you to receive is of grand importance. Hold the vibration, hold the energy, hold the grace, feel the presence of God’s Living Light upon your soul. May the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well.


The timeline now for healing to occur and the birthing of the Age of Aquarius has now begun. And you will begin to see massive shifts of consciousness upon this planet, into unity consciousness. And you will begin to see more and more individuals helping their fellow brother and sister, each one teach one, each one giving their hand to another, each one assisting and helping. So today give to yourself and breathe in this vibration that we are bringing to you of peace. Indeed, this is a time of peace, this is a time of reconciliation, this is a time of hope, this is a time of faith. This is the time of renewal, this is the time of rebirth, and so once again breathe deeply and begin to allow all of your chakras again to be healed, breathing into your heart and simply allow all of your chakras to be healed, feeling the purity of your soul as you trust and understand that all is in order and all is as it should be. As you allow your beautiful light to shine, this is the time, this is the now, this is the presence of the Living Light upon your soul. You are all beautiful stars shining brightly, and we honor you, we see you, and we respect you for your due diligence, for your patience, for all that you’ve gone through from lifetime to lifetime. From the inception of your spirit to this moment called now, you have gone through the soul’s journey, and today we give you a blessing, we give you the grace and the energy of peace so that you may begin to feel the power of who you truly are, and live from your divine spirit, and the essence of all that you are.


Go now my children with the understanding that all is in order and all is as it should be. You are now being prepared as they say for the next leg of your journey, as you merge into the year of 2021 with enthusiasm, with hope, with renewal, with clarity and with peace. So feel this energy opening up your heart and allow your beautiful light to shine. Surrender, trust, allow and receive. Allowing your beautiful light to shine, feel the presence and the energy of the renewal of who you truly are. You are a powerful spirit, your soul now has received a blessing, a healing, and divine grace as you now make the choice to move forward and live in peace and tranquility, throughout eternity, for this is the gift we give you as a part of the family of light, where Mary, Joseph, Yeshua and I hold you as precious jewels within our hands, as you are the children and the wayshowers again, of the dawning of this new Age of Aquarius. Go now my children, be at peace, and know that you are truly loved, loved beyond measure and loved beyond comprehension, truly know that we stand with you, go in peace, and be still and know that you are loved.

Peace, Love, Light, and Balance! © 2023 LeaChapin.com