Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. Yeshua is here as well. We say to you, Dear Ones, that it is very important that each of you begin to access and to begin to understand and to use the frequency of the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Manifestation. These are literally frequencies that are universal laws, and this is time for each of you to begin to manifest and create that which you desire for your soul pathway. It is in many ways urgent that each of you begin to access this frequency, because your skills, your knowledge, your wisdom, and that which you are to bring forward onto the world is needed at this time. There is what we call a sense of urgency as the critical mass of consciousness is now ready to move forward into the vibration of peace and spiritual truth, so realize or understand at this time that what you have been struggling against or fighting for or attempting to obtain in your life can now be obtained with ease and grace. As we have been working with the frequencies of Divine Grace, and the resurrection flame, we will call in this frequency in addition to Elohim Grace and Divine Grace, and we shall invoke the frequency of this powerful energy of the Law of Manifestation into your energy fields with the assistance of both the resurrection flame and with Divine Grace. How important it is to begin to call these frequencies into your energy field and begin to allow them to embody within your consciousness, into your subconscious, into your super-consciousness so that you can begin to bring forward that which is required for your soul pathway.
So please take a deep, inhaling breath and begin to breathe in these frequencies, begin to call in the vibration of the frequency of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Simply call this energy into your energy field with your intention, just as you have done with the energy of Divine Grace, just as you have done with the resurrection flame, you shall invoke the energy of the Law of Manifestation and Attraction into your energy field, as if it slowly now is beginning to enter into your crown chakra, and begin to enter in through your third eye, into your throat chakra, into your thymus, into your heart chakra, into your heart, into your solar plexus, into your sacral chakra, into your root chakra, and then it should be grounded into your sole star chakra, as you are connected to the energy of Mother Earth. Imagine it again as if it is a loop of energy running from the soles of your feet, to your crown chakra as if it is a loop of energy that is connecting the energy from, as above so below, and you are in a force field of energy, as if you are in a frequency of a generating force, you are simply generating this frequency as if you are powering it and bringing forth a generating force of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation into your aura, into your physicality, into your conscious, into your subconscious, into your super consciousness, as if it is a force field of energy that is surrounding you, embracing you and encompassing you at this time.
Take a deep, deep inhaling breath and simply begin to breathe in this frequency, of the white light of God, connecting to the energy of the Earth Goddess, to the energy of Mother Earth, to the energy of grace, to the energy of the Holy Light of all that is. So begin to breathe in this frequency, as you allow your heart to open and your mind to be healed, simply begin to breathe Dear Ones, breathe. Breathe in this frequency.
At this time, we ask that you allow Yeshua and I to begin to clear the subconscious beliefs that you hold within you that are of limitation and lack. If you would so allow, allow Yeshua and I to clear these strands within you, these belief systems of limitation and lack. Simply begin to breathe in this frequency of prosperity, abundance, and as we clear this frequency of lack and limitation from your conscious mind, from your subconscious mind, and from all strands of energy that are attached to your ancestral lineage, beliefs, imprints, and frequencies that are not aligned to the universal law of manifestation and attraction. Simply begin to breathe in these frequencies and allow your heart to open to the love of God, allowing your heart to open to the power of God, as you allow this energy and this generating force to settle within your consciousness, as if you have now brought forth a new perspective, a new understanding, as if there is a new frequency or energy that is a generating force, that now you are living from, as if you have now been cleared of the old imprints and old patterns, and the limitation and the separation, that you are an abundant being, and you have access to this frequency, and you can live and choose to live in the abundance that is yours to receive, that is your birthright.
I say to you, Dearest Children, breathe and so shall you receive. Living in this frequency and now beginning to shift and clear all of the old frequencies that no longer serve you, letting go and letting God. So now I ask you to hold this imagine within your own mind’s eye, that you are an abundant, radiant beam of light, as if you are this powerful frequency of light that is coming from the heavens, and your power and your frequency cannot be limited. Remember Dearest Ones you are created in light and light you shall remain. The frequency of your light holds the abundance of all that is. So now as you call in your light frequency, as you begin to feel the energy of the light that you hold in your consciousness, in your physical body, you will begin to feel the strength of your force field, I am a powerful being of light, I am a powerful being of light, I am a powerful being of light. I connect my energy to the energy of all that is. There is no limitation, there is no lack, there is no separation and there is no fear. I am a powerful being, as I step forward into my energy, and into my unique signature vibration. I am able to hold the energy and essence of the Living Light of God within me, and I am able to create and manifest at will, through my thoughtforms, through my intention, I am able to create and manifest at will, through my thoughtforms and through my intention. We are aligning your consciousness to your vibrational frequency, that is aligned to the energy of God. You are able to receive, you are able to embody, you are able to bring forth this generating energy, this force field of energy within you, and are able to create and manifest at will, just as Yeshua was able to create and manifest at will. He had aligned his frequency to the Great Godhead, to the Supreme One, he understood the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, and this is how we all lived. We were able to generate our energies and create what we needed. But at the same time, we were literally able to shift our consciousness into this vibration and manifest at will.
It is not for you to be concerned that you do not know how to do this, we say hold the intention, call in the frequency, just as you have called in the resurrection flame to invoke perfect health, to invoke loving relationships, to invoke your financials, to invoke anything that you wish to resurrect with the energy of Divine Grace, Elohim Grace, the frequency can now flow to you as it is there within your energy field. It is literally there within your aura, all you have to do is reach for it, think about it, focus on it, it is there. It is not foreign to you, for you are just re-remembering how to do this. Just as you know that you are able to literally breathe, because there is air to breathe, and you do not have to think about taking your breath, wondering where the air is coming from for you to breathe, you simply wake up every morning to take another breath, and you trust. I am able to live in the vibrancy of my own frequency because I am trusting, trusting in life. This is the same, Dearest Children. Just as you do not worry about where the air or the next breath will come from, you are literally holding this vibration because it is an energy that is yours to receive, yours to manifest, yours to access. Call it into your heart chakra, begin to feel the energy building within you, like a force field of energy, calling this energy into your heart. Perhaps you are feeling the warmth, or a tingling, or a vibration. Perhaps you are seeing the light stream of energy entering into your vessel, and you are able to access it, easily and effortlessly, because it is your birthright.
So Dearest Children of the Light, we ask you to hold this within your heart. Begin to draw to you that which you desire. Perhaps it is your health, perhaps it is a love relationship, perhaps it is your finances, perhaps it is an idea, a project, a new home. Whatever you choose, whatever you wish, use this strand of energy on a daily basis to create and to manifest. This is extremely important that all of you begin to access this frequency, because you all are needed to create what you have come here to do. You’ve all chosen to come to this earthplane to complete your soul mission and soul contract. It is time for you to move forward, and this is a generating force of energy, you can literally access it to do that. You have forgotten who you are, and you have forgotten how to connect to this. Today we are offering this to all of you, because all of you have ideas and projects and all of you have a soul mission that needs to be completed, because all of you are needed. All of your soul missions are important and powerful for the healing of this planet, for the return of balance for this planet, for the Sacred Union of this planet. There is to be no fear or limitation about what you can create, so do not allow separation to enter into your mind.
All is possible, remember, all is possible. There is no limitation. You have unlimited potential and begin to use your unlimited potential. Now as Yeshua and I clear your subconscious, we ask that you place your attention into your consciousness, and you draw the energy to you, like magnets. You are a magnet. Like attracts like. Your energy is attracting to you that which you desire, like a magnet. The force field of energy cannot be stopped. As you place two magnets together, the energies cannot be separated. The energies are magnetic, the energies are powerful, the energies are literally a part of what you understand is the law of attraction. So now Dearest Ones begin to draw to yourself that which you desire. Allow the magnetic frequency to simply come into your energy field. If it is a love relationship, if it is finances, if it is a new home, if it is a new project, a new career. Calling forth perfect health. Just imagine the magnetic force field, like two magnetics drawing themselves together, you are drawing to you in your energy field that which you wish to create. Be mindful of that which you wish to bring forward, for this is the time for what you wish to attract and bring into your energy field, that it will be in Divine Order for yourself and all concerned. What you pray for, what you call forth, let it be in Divine Order for yourself and all those you are serving. Let it be in the highest order, Divine Order, for all.
So call this energy in, and feel the magnetic frequency as you call this energy to you, call this energy to you, the force field of energy cannot be stopped, as if it is magnetic. And it is yours to receive. Place no limitations on what you believe can happen. Simply hold your mind as a clear vessel and draw to you that which you desire. So I say to you Dearest Children of the Light, this is most important and impactful for the world at this time is in need of change. The world is in need of what all of you wish to bring forward. Do not be afraid of your own power, do not be afraid of your own power. Your force field of energy is a generating force that is unstoppable. I say to you, Dearest Ones, allow your heart to open and your heart to receive. As we bring to you this frequency, into your individual force fields.
Know at this time as you invoke the energy, just as you have done with the Divine Flame of Grace, and the Flame of Resurrection, you invoke the Law of Attraction in this frequency, for it literally is a frequency, a vibration that can be accessed. So Dearest Children it is time, it is time for you to all receive. You have all given and given and it is your time to receive, for it is of great importance that you draw this frequency and allow your hearts to be opened so that you can begin to change the world. All of you are change makers, all of you are change makers, you have the power to change the world, one person at a time. As we say, each one teach one each one lead one. You have the power to change the world, each one teach one, each on lead one.
Now as you feel this energy moving and shifting within you, feel that your heart is open to the beautiful gift that you deserve to receive. That you are worthy to receive. That it is your birthright to receive. And that it is possible to receive. This is a day that God has made and it is good and it is rich. You’ve come here on this earth plane to be the teachers and the way showers, and to show others as you lead by example. You are here to lead by example. So it is important that you return to your original state of abundance, living abundantly with happiness and joy, perfect health and radiance, and financial abundance. For there is no lack in any aspect of your life, so that you lead by example. So that you can teach and share with the world how others, too can manifest and create in their lives. How they can live in their sacred contract and be supported in their sacred contract. Not with lack and limitation, not with hope or desire, that perhaps this is a dream that I want. No, you are able to create and manifest it, easily and effortlessly. Because you are holding this frequency and the power shall be drawn to you.
As Dear Sununu the angel of giving has said, live in joy at the true remembrance of who you are, as you remember your sacred power, you remember that you are a Divine God and Goddess, you remember the energy of who you are. How important it is to remain in a state of peace and tranquility as you feel this calmness come over you, as you know, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM. You are connected to the Living God and to the light of all that is. So, Dearest Children, remember this is your birthright. You were given this gift and it is time for you to embody it. Again we say do not dismiss this, but call it in. Allow your heart to open to receive. What is yours shall be given, and remember Dearest Children it is time, the earth is in need of each of you to step into your sacred power to assist her in her ascension process, and to assist humanity to awaken to the living light of God, the power of God, this is how the world will change and people will shift out of poverty consciousness, people will shift out of lack and limitation, people will shift out of fear. People will begin to access their power, and to feel empowered. Not just those who appear to have it all, but to all the masses, to all of life. There is abundance in all things. And it is your right to receive. So, Dear Ones, hold this within your heart, begin to feel the energy begin to pulsate in a generating force, out through your heart, and now as you call it forth, as if like a magnet, you are drawing to yourself that which you desire.
Today Dearest Children you have come home to yourself, you have come home to the energy of the God essence and the Living Light of all that is, you have returned to the energy of your sacred light. So feel the presence of God’s Living Light upon you, as you have been touched with this beautiful frequency, this beautiful vibration of magnetism, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Manifestation is alive and well within you. You have come home to yourself, and so Dearest Children accept this beautiful gift and know that you are loved. Loved beyond measure and loved beyond comprehension, you are deeply deeply loved. So, Dearest Ones, remember this is your time to receive. Live in the joy and the remembrance of who you are, for you have given and given and truly it is your time to receive. Go now my children, behold the blessings of love upon you, we ask that you hold your beautiful state of consciousness in this magnetism, as you feel your worthiness and your holiness as a beautiful child of God’s living light. Step forward and receive.